Prologue - why cant i forget ?

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3rd person pov

You sat in class trying your best to stay awake in the single most boring class to have ever been conceived ... Business studies . But despite your best efforts the sweet embrace of dreams takes over you

Y/n pov : in your dreams

Me : w-why (your about 12 in this dream )

That was all I could muster before a flurry of punches and kicks collided with my body , at this point i had realised what this dream was and it was only further evidenced by the voices I soon heard

A/n : d/n is dad's name m/n is moms name

D/n : what the fuck gave you the impression you could ask for food you little shit !!
Me : I-I had finished all my chours and I thought I could have a sna-

I was cut off by my dad punching me square In the nose , whilst I was writhing in agony on the floor my mom came down the stairs

M/n : ugh what did the little fucker do this time ?
D/n : the bastard thought he deserved food
M/n : the fact we still let you live under this roof should e enough for you , you ungrateful cunt
D/n: if he's so ungrateful for whiny here we might as well see how he fares on his own
M/n : that's a wonderful idea honey but how's about we send him of with a scar to remind him of how worthless he is

After saying this my mother pulls out a pocket knife and holds it to my right eye

Me : p-pls n-no

All I could do was wail in agony as she plunged the knife into my eye

D/n : now that that's over with we best throw him out before he screams any louder

Dad grabs me by the hair and throws me out of the front door

D/n : listen here you pathetic wretch if you ever come back here I'll make sure to take your other eye

As he slams the door I struggle before finally stumbling to my feet , I begin running in a random direction wrapping my no longer functioning eye in a bit of fabric I ripped of my jacket

Back in the real world ( a/n in the present day you simply wear a bandage that covers your eye )

I jolt awake looking around the class making sure no body notice I was sleeping and much to my relief no body did

Me : *sighs* why can't I just forget?

Same place same time : rias pov

Looking into the dreams of the boy next to me , y/n I believe his name was , I expected some creepy perverted shit like the rest of the lads in kuoh but I was sorely mistaken in fact I saw something that deeply horrified me , something that I believed to be be his past , despite the pain though I saw a strong urge to protect others and keep peace , as well as a great power dwelling inside of him . I need to speak with akeno

Timeskip still rias pov : Orc Clubroom

Upon entering the Clubroom I am met with the usual sight if akeno preparing two cups of tea

Akeno : ah , rias , your early today
Me : I have a bit of an urgent matter akeno
Akeno : and what might that be
Me : can you keep an eye on a student in the same class as us called y/n l/n
Akeno : of course , but if you don't mind me asking , why ?
Me : I sense he has a lot of power , power that the fallen angles would probably want eradicated

The fountain where issei was killed by raynare in the actual anime : y/n pov

I sit on a bench by the fountain at the center of the park . This is the only place I really feel peaceful , but despite feeling peaceful i still never feel happy

After a couple minutes I hear what sounds like a girl laughing , I look around trying to pinpoint the origin of the laugh but only see a black raven feather descend from above me , prompting me to look up and I see a girl in an incredibly skimpy outfit and ... Are those ... Wings ?!

??? : oh my you are and interesting one , most people spend more time looking at my body rather than my wings , oh well I should probably get to killing you

Any other person would flee in terror or stand there shuddering in fear but me ... I just sat on my bench emotionlessly ... I didn't welcome death but at the same time I didn't care about myself enough to fear it . It wasn't long before I feel a sharp pain in my chest , I look down to spear made of what looked like pure light going straight through my chest and the girl was no where to be found

I simply sat there not caring enough to stop the bleeding , despite the fact I was clearly dying I felt no sadness

Me : heh , it's not like anyone will miss me

The last thing I see is a red flash of light before I lose consciousness ...

Well fuck me that was unbearable to write ahh well I don't give a damn

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