Chapter 1 - a new , maybe even better life

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Y/n pov

I awake in my flat ... Wait ...what?! I got fucking impaled  how the hell am I alive ?!?!? ... Guess it must have been a dream

I get out of bed before quickly realising that I'm .... Naked ?! What the fuck is going on . I glance towards the bed to see if my clothes are there only to be met by a ... Well ... Rather startling sight

Rias pov :

I slowly awake to see y/n stood by the bed with a confused look on his face

Me : oh , morning y/n

As I get out of the bed his confused expression twists into one of terror and he raises his arms as if expecting a hit or something

Y/n : I swear to god I didn't try anything ?!?!

Damn , his parents must have really twisted him into a paranoid mess

Me : woah , woah relax I ain't gonna hurt ya , I'm not like your parents

Shit , I shouldn't have let that slip

Y/n: h-how the hell do you know about my parents ?! And why were you sleeping with me ?!
Me : listen just calm down and take a seat , there's a lot to explain
Y/n : c-can I at l-least get some clothes on first
Me : of course , whatever makes you

After y/n puts on a rather tattered looking shirt along with some shorts and a blue hoodie but most of the colour has faded and looks quite dull

Y/n : alright now pls enlighten me on what the fuck is going on
Me : first things first , the names rias Gremory , I'm a classmate of yours , not that I expect you to know , especially considering your social troubles ,ahem anyways the reason I know about about what your parents did was because well , I'm a devil , I looked into your mind whilst you were dreaming and saw what they did .
Y/n : huh , who knew my assumptions that demons were real were right
Me : what ? Your not shocked ?
Y/n : as well as what you saw in my dream my parents also used me as the blood sacrifice for a lot of what they called 'rituals' , I kind of put the pieces together and thought it was something demonic
Me : oh my god I'm so sorry , if I ever find out who was accepting these rituals I'll kill em
Y/n : h-hey rias relax , please I want to hear the rest of this
Me : o-oh right of course , the thing that killed you last night was a fallen angel , I managed to save you but I'm order to do so I had to add you to my peerage
Y/n: I'm sorry your what now ?
Me : some devils have peerages , a small group of devils that they lead and care for , I am the king of one such peerage
Y/n : f-forgive me if I'm rude miss Gremory but you said king a-and no offence you don't exactly look male
Me : that's because each member of the peerage is represented by what's called an evil piece which mirror chest pieces , y'know king, queen , rook , bishop , knight ,pawn , stuff like that , the piece the member is granted depends on their power and the person who owns the peerage gets the king piece , on this case that's me
Y/n : t-that's a lot to take in but I think I follow what your saying . Although you said you added me to your peerage so what piece am I ?
Me :you are a pawn , whilst many peerages allow eight pawns I decided to give you all eight  pawn pieces
Y/n: w-what ? All eight ? What's so special about me to warrant eight pawn pieces to be wasted on me , in fact why the well did you even waste your time resurrecting me  ?
Me : that's quite simple you have a lot of power dormant within you and one pawn piece simply wouldn't do it justice and as for your second question , I resurrected you cus I wanted to give you a shot at having a better life , so you can feel what it's like to have people care about you

At this point his calm facade faded  and he begins tearing  up

Y/n : w-why ? why do I deserve a better life ? When my parents abused me so much they must have done it for a reason
Me : no . No they didn't , they did it because they didn't think to care about how you felt . They did it because they didn't see the potential you have

Y/n then pulls me into a tight hug , not caring at all that I'm still naked , and begins bawling into my shoulder

Me : that's fine just let it out

Through his constant sobbing I could make out a few words

Y/n: t-thank ... Y-you
Me : listen from  this point on ill make sure no one tortures you like that again and you live a happy life as a devil

After he calms down I get dressed and headed for his front door ...

Y/n pov :

Me : wait! I was wondering if I could maybe y'know cook you breakfast or something as a thanks for saving me
Rias : you don't need to thank me , I was merely doing the right thing
Me : please . You want me to feel better about myself right ? If so please let me do this for you
Rias : okay I'll stick around for breakfast
Me : great ! What would you like , I may not have many skills but cooking is one of my specialties
Rias : I could really go for some eggs and bacon
Me: coming right up !

Timeskip to kuoh academy ,still y/n pov :

As me and rias enter school grounds all of the other boys shoot glares my way , presumably cause I'm with rias

Me : *mumbling* fucking pervs
Rias : oh come on don't lie you like my body
Me : yes rias , you are beautiful but I couldn't give less of a shit about that unlike these guys
Rias : wow you really are just an innocent little guy aren't ya
Me : w-what innocent m-me ? No !
Rias :*mumbling* cute too
Me : what was that ?
Rias : n-nothing ! Right now , down to business , you know were the abandoned school building is right
Me : yeah . Who doesn't
Rias : right , i need you to come there after school to meet the rest of the peerage
Me : ok I'll see you later ... And rias ?
Rias : yeah ?
Me : thanks , again , for everything

She nods before heading to another part of the school

As we part ways I can't help but wonder , is this what it's like to be cared about ... But will the rest of the peerage accept me the way rias does ...

1090 words Jesus fuck ! And yes I am aware most of this chapter was an exposition dump but whatevs also I'm kinda scared by the fact this ... Thing had 100 views In less than 24 hours

A pain worse than hell ( rias Gremory x abused and neglected reader ) Where stories live. Discover now