Chapter 2 - meeting the peereage and discovery of power

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Y/n pov end of school day :

Hmmm rias said to meet with her at the old school building right ? Guess I best get moving , don't wanna piss off the person that literally owns my soul

After a short while I get to the building and rias is waiting inside and luckily the rest of the peerage isn't , great I can prepare a little

Rias : ah y/n , I didn't expect you to be here before the others
Me : well I'm kind of glad I am
Rias : nervous to meet them ?
Me : yeah ... Guess I'm just scared they won't accept me the way you did , that and I'm scared to interact with literally anyone after what my parents put me through
Rias : hey , just relax alright they'd gonna treat you the same way I have , you've got nothing to worry about
Me : *sigh* I hope so
Rias : we really need to get you to start having a more positive outlook on things
Me : s-sorry
Rias : and you need to not apologise for everything you say
Me : oh so-alright
Rias : I hope your ready cus they'll be showing up any second now

As if on cue what I presume to be the rest of the peerage walks through the door

Rias : you're all late , *sigh* whatever , this is y/n he's our new pawn and please don't be to imposing he ain't the best in social situations
???: ara ara , buchou you didn't tell me he was so cute up close , I might have to steal him for myself , the names akeno by the way

As akeno says this she presses my face in her boobs

Rias : akeno please don't flirt with him , he can barely handle a conversation let alone this

Akeno releases me

Me :u-um n-nice t-to meet you
???: I'm koneko, and mark my words if you try anything perverted on Anyone whilst I'm around , I'll tear off your arms and beat you with them

As she says this I visibly flinch , causing everyone to give confused looks

Me : h-hey look I've got a lot more to worry about than being a pervert
Koneko : good
???: and I'm kiba , although I'm only ever known as prince of kuoh due to all the girls round here , they don't really leave me alone
Me :ohhh so your the person all the girls rush to at lunch
Kiba : *sigh* yep
Rias : I'm already proud of you y/n you seem to be getting less nervous by the minute
Me :*mumbles* yeah on the outside
Rias : we'll continue in a minute but right now I need a shower

As rias climbs into the shower that is fro some reason the Clubroom I take a seat and notice everyone shooting glances my way , so I decide to break the silence

Me : I-I'm sure you have a few questions to ask so ask away I'll answer anything I can
Akeno : alright sorry if this is a sensitive subject but , what happened to your eye
Me : m-my parents
Akeno : what ? Did they slip with a knife or something
Me : no it's a lot worse than that ...

I then proceeded to explain everything I told to rias to the peerage and much to my shock they were on my side ... Guess rias was right

Akeno : what the hell !! Why would they do that
Me : I thought they did it cause I deserved It or something but rias refuses to accept thg they probably did it for a reason

Even koneko spoke up , not breaking her blank face but still showing venom in her voice

Koneko : if I ever see them I'll make them choke on their own ribs

And kiba was rendered completely speechless

Me : I still don't get why I was worth eight pawns
Rias : that's what I'm about to show you

I avert my gaze to the other end of the room to see rias , wrapped only in a towel , I almost immediately cover my eye

Me : y-your getting dressed in here
Rias  : yeah , why ? Don't you like the view
Me : all my life I've tried my damn hardest bit to be a perv and I don't plan on giving up

After rias got dressed I was told to stand In what appears to be some kind of magic circle

Rias : this magic circle will make it easier for you to access your sacred gear
Me : sacred what ?
Rias : a sacred gear is something that resides in the soul of any demon ,angle or human and is a tool of great power , now close your eyes and focus on the most powerful part of your body

I do as she says and I begin focusing ...

Rias pov

I don't notice any changes to y/n that is until he opens his eye and I see a faint blue glow under the bandage on his damaged eye

Me : this may sound weird but y/n could you take your bandage of your eye please
Y/n : sure ,I needed to Change it anyway

As he takes the bandage off . what should have been a damaged eye was now a black void with a flaming blue eye in the middle

Y/n : whoa whoa ! I can see through my other eye again !

I grab a mirror and show him his new eye

Y/n : whoa ...
Me : you are even more powerful than I thought a sacred gear strong enough to replace a missing body part with a functional one hold massive amounts of power , as for the abilities it grants , I'm sure  we'll find out soon until then I think we should all head home for the day

Y/n pov

I look over at rias after everyone has left

Me : rias do you sleep in the Clubroom
Rias : yea it's either this or my home in the underworld and my family quite likes to embarrass me so I don't tend to go there
Me : I-if you want a proper place to stay I have a spare bed in my flat if you want to sleep there , I swear I won't try anything perverted
Rias : y/n you do realise I trust you right ? And I know you won't do anything so yeah I'll sleep at your flat , I just have a few more things to tend to here so I'll meet you at the flat
Me : ok I'll get going then
Rias : bye

Small timeskip , the fountain still y/n pov

This is the fountain where I died ...
Why did she resurrect me
Why did she use right pawns on me
Why did she even think of me
My thought are interrupted by the familiar sound of wings beating above me , I look up to see a fallen angel who charges at me without a word and raise my arms over my face and close my eyes , waiting for the inevitable

Rias pov

I quickly teleport to y/n location sensing that he is in danger but when I arrive I see him stood in awe as a now dead fallen angle is suspended in the air by a dozen sharp bones that's has shot up from the ground  . Y/n notices me

Me : see ? I knew you had power ...

1212 words and I'm losing the will to live , welp here's chapter two hope you enjoyed this shitshow  

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