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I bit my lip as I stared at my hand. I sat on his nice old Victorian styled couch inside his huge mansion and he stood by the window, facing away from me.

"I don't know why I'm here," I told him and swallowed as my eyes prickled with unshed tears. "Why I don't want to leave." It pained me to admit this but I couldn't hide it any longer. My feelings were getting the best of me and I didn't know how to fight them.

"Your just going to have to fight that feeling and go." He sounded strained as he stared out his window. I stared at his figure. His hands were clenched tightly to a point where blood slowly dripped down from them. I stood slowly, cautiously.

"You don't mean that." I told him with an ache in my chest.

"You know nothing, Gabriel." He said lowly, his head bowed, his hair was hazel as the sunlight hit it, his skin white, it was obvious he hadn't fed in a long time.

"I know everything." I had walked over to him, my hand touched his back and he flinched away and turned to me. I let my eyes stay in his chest, too ashamed to meet his gaze.

There was a silence so thick that it was suffocating. A single tear rolled rolled down my check and I bit my lip and looked away feeling ashamed.

"I should hate you," I told him softly, "simply because your a vampire, I should loath you." I wiped my tear away in anger and looked him dead in the eye. They were blue and filled with so much sadness. "But I don't and I hate myself for it." I took a deep breath. "So your right, I should fight these feelings because it'll only hurt me if I don't, it'll haunt me and torment me and fill me with rejection and shame, so I'll do us both the favour, and forget I ever met you."

He looked to be in physical pain as he dropped his gaze. I had hoped he'd say something to contradict me, to convince me otherwise. I had hoped he would grab me and pull me into his embrace and tell me that he wouldn't be without me, that he didn't want to. It made sense to hope considering he all out stalked me, but I got nothing. Even as I turned away from him and grabbed my coat from the couch, there was only silence. He didn't stop me, he didn't call my name, he didn't even say goodbye and I hated myself for caring, for wanting more from him. For caring, I loathed myself to the core.

It's nearly here,guys and I'm so excited!! I swear, I'll start updating this once my other project is done! This is going to be dope. I'm so thrilled, I can't... And please, this is not a fanfic, I know some may click on this thinking about The Originals because of the cover. Don't. He just happened to be there, and I don't own the picture, okay? Okay.

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