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I found myself walking around him and bumping his shoulder. I was so done with everything when he grabbed my wrist but I yanked it out of his grasp

"Gabriel," he said, nearly sounding remorseful. I found myself so angry that I lifted my hand and slapped him, his head turned a little and I seethed.

"No," I deadpanned, "no." I found myself repeat because I was also convincing myself not to listen, not to want to listen. He had abandoned me and left me to die, the fact that he was standing before me, healthy and obviously being taken care of, it made me want to vomit.

"Please! I can explain!" I paused and turned to him, my eyes flashing gold. He honestly needed to quit because he was only fueling my anger.

"Explain? There is nothing to explain,Linus." I held back a scream, my arms over my chest defensively. "You left me there, alone, weak." I felt like my voice was about to break as I spoke, "I watched you run away... You didn't even turn back."

"I'm sorry."

"You don't get to apologize, Linus." I sniffed despite myself. I couldn't hole back the hurt, the betrayal I was feeling, it all showed in my words. "I thought we were friends,Linus, I really did. I thought we would be in it together but no, like the selfish little asshole you are, you chose yourself. You will always choose yourself." I scoffed when he didn't even try to deny it, didn't even try to convince me otherwise.

"But your safe, and...that's what matters." I took steps closer to him then, my eyes going from golden brown to pure gold.

"Safe? For how long exactly?" I felt a sense of power rush through me as my anger pulsed within my wm veins. I seemed to be doing something to him as his face morphed into that of pain. He fell to his knees, he barely tried to defend himself. It made me angrier, even as blood dripped from his nose. "What's the point of safety anyway? When your all alone in this big world, why does it matter when you don't even have friends you can count on? A family you can run too?"

His has clenched and his eyes squeezed shut as he gasped. I had been leaning towards him then.

"Please," he gasped and I felt myself stand a bit straighter. A man hissed at me as Linus panted, regaining his composure and I felt a pang in my chest. He had someone, the man glared at me and I could see that I had pissed him off for hurting Linus, but at the same time he recognised that I could probably hurt him if he tried something with me.

"Look at you," I said in anger, "you even have someone coming to your aid." I swallowes trying to sound harsh when really I was envious. "You should quit while you ahead, sir," I spat, telling this man the truth, "he would leave you to die if it meant he could see another day."

With that I turned and in my bout of anger I heard crashing behind me as I exited the store. I needed to do something, anything and distract myself from this hellish nightmare that was my life.

I found myself on school grounds, in the gym where the pool was. I was in my boxers and I plunged into the cold blue depths. I kept still and closed my eyes just for the sake of it and sunk down to the ground.

I curled in on myself and I cried. Linus had been a friend, someone I had once trusted. He had confessed to having feeling for me while we were locked up, only to end up leaving me behind while he ran for freedom, for peace.

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