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Oh gods, oh my gods. He...he was dead. Gone, his life source had just...poof. I felt myself hyperventilate as my eyes stared wide at the body. It wasn't even resembling a body. Just a skeleton with blackening skin pulled taunt over it.

"Gabriel," I addressed myself with a mumble. "Breathe," I took a deep breath and released, I grabbed the dashboard and stared at the road feeling like my body wasn't even my own anymore. "What...what you have to do right now..." My mind went blank and I looked over at the man whose life I had taken.

I felt the burn of fresh tears and the fell soundlessly as I stared. I didn't know this man, he may have had a family, a home. Someone waiting for him, kids. I slammed my head into the dashboard and banged my head into it.

You're a murderer! How could you just..? Oh gods.  I found myself crying then for a man I did not know, a man who I happened to kill without thinking about it and I swallowed, turning my head to look out my window at the dead trees.

I needed to calm down. I sat up and took a deep breath. I blinked over at the man and looked around the car. I saw a blanket in the back seat and I found myself nodding. I opened the door and got to work. First I carried the mans dead body...(can I still call it a body?) To the back seat, I laid him down, bending his joints so that he was in the foetal position. I took the blanket and I covered him with it as I sniffed. I tucked and realised that he was breaking apart. I blinked and pushed, the sound of breaking made me choke.

"I'm so sorry!" I said grabbing onto my chest. I shook my head then and ended up just wrapping the bones within the blanket, I opened the boot of the car and I bladed it neatly inside, I looked on and hoped it didn't look too suspicious. I closed it and checked the car. Everything looked normal, there was a bag of chips and some cols drink bottles on the back seat floor. Seemed he may have been making a long trip.

I swallowed, looking around my area and got I to the vehicle only to realize that I knew nothing about driving. I banged my head on the steering wheel feeling tired emotionally and closed my eyes. My heart slammed into my chest as I tried to calm myself down. Before I knee it, I had fallen asleep to images of the man I murdered.

I fluttered my eyes open when I felt a breeze. I blinked and saw the passenger door open. I lifted my head and looked around. Nobody was around. I looked back at the steering wheel and cursed myself for having grown up in a herd of panthers hell bent on living far away from civilization. I mean, I get that they were near extinction, but, how did isolating themselves really help? Blending in with society may have been a better chance for them anyway.

I sighed and looked at the keys, I recalled the man having turned them to stop it and I tried my luck. If anything, I was probably the luckiest murderer out there because the thing roared to life. I leaned over with difficulty to close the passenger door and began pushing at the pedals hoping one would be the one to push me forward. I found it and the car surged forward, stopping and going before I got the hang of it.

Honestly, it was a bit thrilling once I got over myself hatred over killing the innocent man who had only wanted to help me. I drove with a hammering heart and no clue. It felt like forever when the car ran out of gas.

I leaned back in my seat and rubbed the sweat off my forehead. I looked around still in the middle of nowhere when I felt it.

There was a pull on my soul I would say which made me step out of the car. I tentatively walked over to the tree line and tilted my head before venturing forward. I couldn't tell you what I was thinking, only that I needed to move forward.

The walk was long, I had scratches on my arms from tree branches. I stumbled on a snake which had me freezing. The animal seemed to ignore me as it slithered around my feet, heading in the opposite direction. The sun was going down slowly.

Finally I saw the clearing. I rushed forward with newfound strength. I made it. I was on the very soil my mother had been, my father and even my little sister. The same soil many others had walked and grown. I looked around and noticed how the huts we made into homes were burnt down. There wasn't a single dead body in sight which made me frown. I walked around then feeling a sense of darkness, it was faint but it still called to me.

I turned looking all around at the deserted grounds. This used to be full of life, full of laughter and joy and sometimes heartache. It was my home once and now, it looked like a waste land. I saw earth that looked like it had been dug up and I fell to the ground on my knees and my fingers dug into the soil. I sighed.

I felt nothing. No closure, no weight lifting off my chest. I felt empty and hungry and dizzy from the lack of water. I swallowed dryly and slumped.

"There really is no point." I sighed and bent my head before looking to the side at the sound of a chuckle. I saw a shadow of a man, faintly. I didn't move. I had no desire to move. I tilted my head at the sense of darkness he exuded and then he was gone.

I blinked then and took a deep breath before laying back down to stare at the sky which was changing colour.

"Death would have been kinder," I mumbled, "death, a sweet song, a lullaby unrelenting," I recited a poem I had written during my days here in the village. "My soul, empty it calls to the dead, it yearns for the dark. Death would have been smarter." I closed my eyes then and my head lolled to the side. "Death truly would have been wiser."

I was enveloped in silence, the breeze cool on my skin and yet I still felt warm. There was not a single bird in the sky, no sound of chirping. Complete and utter silence.

"This is not what I meant, when I said go to your village." The voice broke my peace and slowly my eyes opened. I saw the black boots and the man crouched down, his brows pulled together. "What are you doing?"

I turned my head a little for a better look at him.

"Waiting for death." I sighed being honest. Life was meaningless for me right now and I couldn't imagine it getting any better. I had lost my family, my friends, I was alone and that was the end. Will you look at that! I rhymed.

"How is that supposed to be any better?" I blinked and saw him sit cross legged beside me, leaning his head onto his hand he fixed his gaze on me.

"At least I would be at peace."

"How can you be sure of that?" I looked at him. "How can you be sure, that in death there is peace? What if there is nothing? After life, who is to say we go anywhere? How can you be sure?" I blinked and furrowed my brows before my stomach growled and I grabbed it. The stranger chuckled and I bit my lip.

"I can't be sure," I told him and sighed, "but I have to hope that it will be better than this." The stranger shook his head at me then.

"Bullshit." He told me and my brows rose. "If death is meant to be final, there really would be no point in anything because it is inevitable." He sighed. "I get that you are in a bit of a tough spot, your alone and you feel like because of that, you have no meaning but that isn't true." I sat up then and his gaze followed me. "If life won't get better for you, the death won't be any different." He said finally and my stomach growled again. He smiled a bit and I noticed he had a bit of colour in his cheeks. He looked more alive than when I had last seen him.

"Who are you?" I asked quietly then feeling curious.

"It doesn't matter who I am." He blinked slowly and studied me. "It only matters that you find a will to live."

His worlds spoke volumes and in them I wanted more. I locked my gaze with his and I tilted my head wondering who this man was, why he wanted me to live so badly. I wondered how he found me to begin with and what drove him to be here.

I felt that would be my new mission now. Find out who Mr. Handsome-vampire-stranger really is. After I got something to eat.

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