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I cried for many reasons, one being that I had lost a friend, one that I never thought is be so sad to say goodbye to because I had been with him for so long. Then I cried for the fact that I wouldn't have to say good bye to my baby Harkin and to my mate Dante or my friends.

Then, in my state of distress, of grief I felt a pang in my mind and my chest as memories flooded through me. I thought I had everything about my life the moment I touched the head stone, but I was wrong. Memories I remember a certain way began to rectify, to change and I felt the anger but also the understanding.

The memory of losing my child to a woman who stabbed me, it cleared and I saw that it was Elijah. I couldn't decipher the feelings I had. I was mad at him but also, I wasn't sure if hating a man even in his death was the right thing to do. It had been so long ago, and although it hurt... I had Harkin now and in a way, I felt like that made up for it. But then, nothing could ever make up for robbing a person of their child.

His own children didn't shed a tear and I wondered if it was because of resentment for never having him around. For being forced to live with a pack who became their parents, their guardian's, friends and aunts and uncles, father's and mothers when he couldn't, only to end up losing every one of them on one go.

I wanted to tell them that it would be alright, that one day, they wouldn't hate him so much and cry for him as they were meant to, but I didn't.

Theodore cried for the father he had in Elijah, the best friends, the partner in crime...the lover and leader. I think it hurt him, more than it hurt anyone else.

"I'm okay," I mumbled as Dante held me,his face in my neck after hearing from Elijah that we wouldn't die, that we would live as long as we wanted. I knew it was his last gift to us... payment for his sins and although it didn't erase his wrongs, it reminded us that his heart was in the right place.

Sanctum was collapsing as we speak. Theodore wanted to bring Elijah out so we could honour his remains but his body wouldn't move and as we looked closer, we realised that the floor has begun sucking him in. I was reminded how Sanctum was a part of Elijah, created from his own pain and regrets and work, he bonded it to himself, and so, it would go down with him.

Pieces of its ceiling came down and we yelled for Theodore to stop being a fool and Travis acted in time, using his magic to pull Theodore towards us, just in time for the archway to close, with the image of Elijah's haunched over body on top of a sword being sucked into the ground and everything he built collapsing around him.

He was gone now. And he wouldn't be coming back.

The ugly truth was almost sickening but I felt it was for the best.

"Don't cry,daddy...papa and I still here." Harkin said pushing my cheeks together and trying for a smile and I couldn't help but laugh and cry as I pulled him in for a hug. This boy was honestly one of the best things to happen to me.

I wiped my tears then and kissed all over his face making him giggle.

"Daddy!" He squealed and I held him close before I felt the ground shake beneath us. I realises then that the site of the Greyhound Mountain pack was very close to an actual mountain which was the most beautiful view. We all stood then as the sound of roaring occurred and said mountain visibility shook.

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