Chapter 14

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"Choi In na date me" was the words that escape from his lips.

This is a prank In na don't fall for it! Why would a handsome, rich, smart guy or even a soon to be lawyer would ever like you? I might still understand if Jimin said those words to me. I might accept it, its not because I like him but because I know him too well and I can grow feelings for him if that ever happens. But coming from Taehyung? Hah! Fate must be fooling around.

"Don't tell me you have a boyfriend? Don't tell me it's that short guy with muscular body who send you off the first day you worked here?" Did he read my mind thinking about Jimin? Wait! How did he know that it was Jimin? He's at school that time right? Heol!

"Don't play games Tae, im not interested plus I'm your servant. You are weird and how did you know it was Jimin huh?" I said trying to cool the situation. I may not like him but he can keep my cheeks burn you know, I'm still a young lady who got fluttered by a young man.

"Cctv" he simply said. Raising his eyebrows at me while he said those words. Ohh it must be the cctv. Wait...

"Hey! You don't have any cctv's around your house pabo" they don't have right? I mean I haven't seen one.

"Do you think having a two lawyer parents and soon-to-be lawyer in this house would forget to have those things around our house? What if someone tresspass? What if-" I cut him off okay i got it, first thing that comes to any lawyer's mind as evidence is cctv. I must be stupid for not thinking such things. Ugh!

"STOP why are we even fightigh about cctv? It's not the issue here! The issue is you-" I was frozen for the moment, afraid to spill those words ew it's gross!

"That I like you? So what?" He shrugged. It must be so easy for him since he's a guy. Smirking like an idiot.

"Will you not please say those words? M-A-S-T-E-R" I said rolling my eyes emphasizing the word master so he would wake up to the reality that a servant should just be a servant, not a girlfriend of his master!

He just smiled at me, what the. This guy is a creep! It's creeping me out at the same time pissing me off. He walk closer to me so I step back afraid to be intimidated by his eyes, or more like afraid to be captured by his mesmerizing eyes. I admit he has those features that a girl would fall for he even has a taste in clothing, he study a lot and he's even majoring in Law, a total package indeed. Yep he's a jerk but that's before!

I kept stepping backwards until my back touch the wall, not even breaking his look to me he cornered me with his hands side by side. "Just say yes In na" he said almost whispering, his face is so close to mine that I could feel his breathing.

"W-what if I say no?"

"You wouldn't"

"What makes you think that way?"

"Because I can see it in your eyes that you like me too"

My eyes widened. Is he me? How can he predict my feelings? I don't even like him! He shouted at me and hurt me before why would I like someone like him? Jimin is way better than him! I wonder why that short bff of mine hasn't confess to me yet. But, I still don't like him at all.

"I-like someone else, it's not y-you" I wish that this excuse will convince him.

"It's that Jimin?" Sorry Jimin but I really need to lie.


"You're lying" he said smirking, "A lawyer could tell if the accused is lying or not, by only looking to its eyes" he said then he walks towards his bed and sit crossed legs then look at me. "You're guilty, you know I can charge you for telling lies and for using someone to cover up your lies" aish! Why am I even arguing with a future lawyer?

"I can sue you for forcing me to say yes!" I said and he just laughed. What's funny?

"Am I really forcing you or you are just being hard to get? The judge will find me not-guilty for that because my friends could defend me better than anyone, you'll loose" he thinks that he's smart enough aish this kid.

"How could I loose if I have such a strong evidence against you?" I said.

It made him sit up straight and looked at me with interest. He raised his eyebrows and smirk, "then tell me what's your evidence?"

I smirk just like how the way he smirk at me "My heart"

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