Chapter 1

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In na's POV

Eversince I was a child I always dreamed of  becoming a lawyer or a prosecutor, but I am not destined to since my mother can't even afford to send me to college. I know I don't have the right to complain about my life.....about being poor but I can't help myself to envy those people at my age who go to big universities and study their planned courses.

I sighed as I stared outside my window and brushed off those thoughts when I heard my mother calling me from the living room so I got up and went there. My eyes widened to see a birthday cake on our table and my mom was sitting on the floor since our table was like a traditional table where the korean family usually have.

"Eomma why are you not in your room you should rest and where did you get that cake?" I said worriedly and sit across her but she just gave me a faint smile and hold my hand

"Aigoooo my baby~ stop worrying it's your birthday remember?" I was touched at what she said, its really my birthday but I don't want to celebrate it, its just a waste of money.

"But Eomma, the money, we could've just bought a medicine with that money" My mom weakly stood up and sit beside me so she could give me a hug. "Stop worrying about money okay?" She was hugging me and kissing my head as she rubbed the back of my hand.


"Aisshhh don't worry, Eomma is alright just blow your candle and make a wish araseo?" I return a faint smile too and close my eyes to make a wish.

I wish that my dreams will come true and my eomma will stay healthy so she could stay with me forever.

My mother clapped her hands as I blow out the candle and I hug her to thank her for not failing to buy me a cake every year for my birthday. We ate the cake deliciously.

"Hmmm mashta" I mumbled with my mouth full of cake. My mother tapped my back "eat up" I smiled at her lovingly and she wipe my messy mouth.


"I'm off to send newspapers eomma see you laterrrrrrr" I said as I ride my bike. Its too cold even thought I'm wearing such a thick coat and gloves.

"Neeee take care and be home before the sun set"


I happily drive around the streets and stop every gate I passed to give newspapers. "Ahjussi here's the new headline for today beware of murderers araseo?" I joke at the ahjussi who was standing near a post "Aigooo this kid" but wave goodbye to me.

I was done delivering news papers at 8am and quickly went to a kimchi restaurant for my next side line.

"Goodmorning Ahjumma" I greeted the owner of the restaurant with a huge smile while wearing my apron.

"Thank god you're early... we have tons of customer later so we better prepare the menu now" she ordered me to do this and that and I cheerfully do whatever she told me to do.

I clean the table first and wash the dishes that were used for cooking and help ahjumma to carry all her marinated kimchies on the table. It was kinda heavy but you know.... there's nothing I can't do. Did I tell you all that I have several jobs in a day? While all the kids at my age went to to universities, I am here working my butt out to provide for our daily needs and for my mother's medicines.

"Yah Choi In na here take this~" I was startled when my boss gave me an envelop and when I open it .... "Ahjumma this is too much, this is not the salary you promised me" I hesitantly return the envelop of money but she resist. "Do you think I forgot about your birthday plus its your last day right? And just consider that as a gift and save the rest for your college... remember you want to be a lawyer? I just wanna help" she gave me a quick hug and I almost teard up. "Ahjumma your the best kamsahamnida" I hug her and she just chuckled. "When you become a lawyer I hope you'll do well and defend those who are false accused just like my husband araseo?" I nodded and return to what I am doing.

It was past 10am and we are getting more and more customers.

As I was serving the table of the couple at their 50's I can't help but notice the familiar pin a lawyer usually have. "Daebak... are you two a lawyer Mam and Sir?" I asked out of nowhere and the two chuckled at my amazed face and they touch their pin "Well agassi yes we are... I didn't know at such age like you will notice the pin we were wearing" they smiled widely and so am I, "Its been my dream"

The lady held my hand and smile at me "I wish I could hear that words from my son" her smile faded and I feel bad, they want their son to follow in their footsteps but I guess their son is not into it.

"Mr and Mrs Kim - Oh Choi In na" Park Jimin called the couple but stop when he noticed my presence. Jimin was my childhood friend and my only friend, he's the one who's been giving me this sidelines which I'm very thankful for.

"Anneonghaseyo Mr and Mrs Kim this is Choi In na the one I am talking about to both of you before... she will work with you" Jimin stated.

So... they're the couple he was refferring to? He recently offer me this job and my mother knows about it too although its a stay-in job I can't refuse since the salary is big that I can't refuse, it can send me to college. While Jimin promised me that he will look after my mom when I'm not around.

I greeted them formaly and bow 90 degrees. "Im glad that she'll be the one who will work as my son's maid, I think she's responsible and well mannered" I smiled at them and look at Jimin and he gave me a thumbs up.

My shift ends at 4 in the afternoon and Jimin and I walking with our bikes since were still talking... "So are you gonna be okay being a maid?" Jimin asked.

"Yup as if I had a choice? And I badly needed this job and you know the reason right?" He furrowed his eyebrows and chuckled. "Not giving up being a lawyer don't you? I might as well commit crimes when you become a lawyer so you could defend me" he joked but I smacked his arms and he winced in pain but laugh at his stupid words. "I was told by everyone to defend those who are falsely accused, not the one who's guilty remember?" He nodded in response and surrender his hands in the air and I laughed with that he send me home and bid our goodbyes.

My work will start tomorrow, hope my mother will be okay alone.

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