Chapter 22

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5 years later

"Happy birthday In na" Jimin and Mom said in unison as I blow the candle.

"Ya it's not even my birthday why are we having a cake here?" I asked, but they looked at each other and my mom suddenly speak "It is, because it is the beginning of your life of being a Prosecutor" she said and it made me feel fluttered.

"Congratulations to Prosecutor In na, who just convicted a new criminal today" Jimin cheered, and hugged me, Mom even joined us and the three of us just hugged each other. I am happy to have them in my life, they're my treassure that I'll forever cherish.

After Jimin graduated, he became a detective. After his military enlistment he decided to continue serving the community. I really thought that he's going to be a business man but look at him now! We're a team interms of investigating, bestfriends indeed?

After my board exam, I have met Jungkook a few times since we're at the same field and age. He told me about Jin who became a Judge after years and Suga became a Lawyer just like Taehyung, so he failed in his dream, I bet it's his parents doings since they want them to continue the title in their family. That was last year and we haven't seen each other again.


I am at my office with my other collegues, Namjoon and Hoseok. It's like having two younger brothers but still older than you, around you. They're my team, they help me gather and dig informations and evidences. This two is the best in this field, because of them we always win the case and put all those criminals in jails with just a blink of an eye haha.

"Oppa can you pass me the papers?" I asked then Namjoon gave it to me with annoyed face, I can tell why. Guess what. "WHY'D YOU ALWAYS TELLING ME TO GIVE THOSE PAPERS TO YOU WHILE HOSEOK IS JUST SITTING IN HIS TABLE DOING NOTHING" that's what he always complained but all I have to say for him to shut up is this. "It's because your more muscular than him, you can carry all those heavy papers without breaking your bones unlike him" and that'll make him shut up in 3 ..2... "Jinja? Okay" told yah!

"Waaa Daebak In na read this" Hoseok run to my table and showed me his tablet with an article saying Two Lawyers were found dead in their firm this 2am in the morning, The lawyers were known as Kim So hyung and Kim Yoon Tae and the suspect is their son, Kim Taehyung."

My former boss were dead but the worst is they were murdered..... by their own son? The man that I love eversince? Taehyung? This can't be. No! Taehyung will never do that.

"In na are you okay? Do you know this family?" Namjoon oppa asked.

Our conversation interrupted when our head came in carrying a files in his hands. "I want you to take over this case Prosecutor In na, work with the best detectives just like before, Mr Kim's brother is filling a case against his nephew" my jaw dropped at what my head said. How can I fight against him? This is not the promised we made 5 years ago.

After he left Namjoon ask me the same question again, "Why are you such in a dazed? Do you know this family?" I lied and said No. They can't find out the truth about my relationship with them.

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