ferris wheels

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I went in my closet and threw all of my dresses on my bed and looked at them.

"This ones too short. Too long. Ew, too sparkly. Why did I even get this? Ugh everything is so ugly." I groaned as Y/S/N (your siblings name) leaned against the door frame and laughed at me.

"Could you at least help me instead of laughing at me? I can't find anything fancy to wear." I groaned as I lay my back down on my bed and covered my face with my hands.

"Okay chill, Noah obviously likes you for you and not whatever you wear so why don't you not wear a dress and wear.." they paused for a minute then rifled through my closet and pulled out a yellow hoodie and black skinny jeans. "Wear this, Noah's gonna love it!" I smiled and grabbed the clothes then went in the bathroom to get changed.

I came out and they smiled at me "See, totally tubular." I rolled my eyes and let out a light laugh.

"Why do you keep talking like that?" They shrugged their shoulders and laughed along with me, motioning for me to move.

"Now go cause the whole reason I came up here was the fact that Noah called saying that he was gonna be here in a few minutes."

My eyes shot open from sheer panic. I grabbed my phone then hugged Y/S/N and ran to the door to put my shoes on. I rushed out the door and quickly fixed my hair as a car pulled up.

"Hey Noah!" I smiled as I got in the floppy haired boys car.

"Hey cutie." He smiled back as he kissed my cheek and drove off.

"So where are we going?" I asked, the excitement present in my voice.

"It's a surprise." He chuckled. I groaned and looked out the window at all the things passing by us as we drove. The more we drove, the more confused I got about where we were going. I was about to ask him what we were doing before the car came to a halt.

"Here we are!" He cheered, leaning in to give me a kiss. I smirked and got out of the car instead.

"Shall we?" He just smiled and made his way around the car to take my hand.

"We shall."

I looked around at the place before us and my jaw dropped.

"We're at the carnival?!" I squealed jumping up and down and eagerly running ahead of him to get in line.

I turned around sheepishly to see if he was coming and I saw him taking a picture. I quickly flashed him a coy smile before turning around to face the line again.

"You're so cute. That is definitely gonna be my lock screen." He gushed, already going into his settings to add in the picture. I blushed and moved up in the line.

As soon as we got in I pulled us towards the cotton candy stand. I picked out the biggest one they had for us to share. Before I could even grab my wallet he gave the guy the money, sending me a warm smile.

"Today is my treat." I blushed and looked down at my feet, stuffing some food in my mouth.

We basically inhaled the cotton candy like a couple vacuums and I pulled him to my favourite ride, the ferris wheel. We got in one of the cabins and up we went. The view was amazing, but not as amazing as Noah looking around completely awestruck. I whipped my phone out and took a picture.

"Now that, is lock screen material right there." I gushed, causing him to go a deep shade of pink and smile.

I moved closer to him to rest my head on his shoulder and let out a content sigh. He snuggled me in closer and gave me a sweet kiss on the top of my head. I looked up and smiled at him, us staring at each other for a few seconds before he started to lean in.

Panic set in me. I've never kissed anyone before! Shit, what am I gonna do. I can't tell him I don't know how to kiss somebody because that will make me seem lame. However I can't kiss him and be terrible at it. Oh god.

"Wait-" I put my hand on his chest and slightly looked down to stop him. "I can't".

"What do you mean you can't?" Noah asked sounding completely confused.

"I-I-I" He just looked at me patiently awaiting my answer. "I don't know how" I mumbled. I could feel him lightly chuckle.

"What? I didn't catch that" he said, clearly having heard me but wanting me to repeat myself just to tease me.

"I said I don't know how. You happy now?" I said a little louder back, embarrassed at what I just admitted to him.

He gently pushed me off of his shoulder and turned for me to look at him. "Want me to teach you?" I blushed and nodded my head.

"Okay. So you need to put your hands here-" He lifted my arms and wrapped them around his neck. "And I put mine here-" He wrapped his arms around my waist, bringing us much closer.

"Now you have to lean in-" I felt my heart beating a mile a minute as our faces got closer. "and just kind of let your lips do all the work." He whispered, his eyes closing shut as our lips met.

Not gonna lie, it felt pretty magical. It felt like time stopped and we were frozen in this moment, us two the only people who existed. Almost on cue, the ferris wheel stopped, leaving us dangling at the top. Normally I would be scared of something like this happening but with Noah's arms wrapped around my waist and his lips on mine, I felt untouchable.

We pulled away after what felt like an eternity of bliss and rested our foreheads against each others, giddy smiles spread across our faces.

"You're a pretty great kisser." He whispered, pecking me on the nose.

"You too." I whispered back. Just as we were about to kiss again, the ferris wheel started to move. Noah stole a quick peck anyway and moved so his arm was around my shoulder.

"I think we should go on ferris wheels all the time." He chuckled, gently squeezing my arm.

"I 100% agree." I giggled, resting my head on his shoulder.

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