The Party..!!

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It is like any other day in their life and they are just sitting in garden in their college,goofing around and playing silly jokes laughing and everything..jimin is making some kind of lame joke right now and namjoon and jin couldn’t do much besides humour him a little( because they know it’s the only way to make the guy stop making more and more riddiculous jokes.)

Besides them jungkook has gone all dreamy and heart eyes watching someone 'Kim taehyung the art major… cute face brown hair ..expressive eyes ..boxy smile' basically he is everything you need to have in order to be called breathtakingly beautiful and right now He’s walking in the hallway with his bright smile and jungkook’s heart is doing little flips and he follows taehyung with his eyes until the guy disappears and turns around only to be met with the raised eyebrows of none other than his best friend and the smile on Jungkook’s face falls jimin asks

“ Jeon Jungkook you got something to tell me ?” and jungkook just stares at him then splutters

“ what ? Me? No! Nothing?” to which jimin gives him a ' I see right through you' look and jungkook sighs and tells his best friend about his little crush of two years on the art major and jimin gives him a unimpressed look but then relents and encourages him to confess saying

“ you have to tell him.. this is our last year have to confess…besides I am here to help you with everything” jungkook cock’s his eyebrow to jimin and says

“ oh like you are one to talk ..what have you ever done about your huge ass crush on 'min yoongi' ?” Jimin gives him look of disapproval and counter’s

“ I was actually going to tell you that ..he is no longer my crush but my boyfriend he kind of confessed yesterday ?” jungkook just looks at him curiously

“so?” jungkook says waryly

“so now it’s your turn need to confess to taehyung too and that too today itself.” Namjoon and jin suddenly join in the conversation and are siding with jimin so jungkook relents thinking it's either now or never .

All four of them are hiding behind a locker near the art room and waiting for taehyung to finally walk out and after 15mimutes taehyung is walking out of the classroom and jimin literally pushes jungkook in his direction who stumbles and face first falls at taehyung's feet.

He looks up to see taehyung looking at him worriedly and jungkook curses internally 'fuck he is so stupid , made a fool out of himself infront of taehyung' and taehyung being the polite guy ever helps the boy up and jungkook is nervous wreak he doesn’t understand what to do he forgot everything jimin told him to say and just opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water taehyung is looking at him worriedly and asks

“ hey are you ohkay ? are sweating a lot and your face is all pale” jungkook just shakes his head still not able to get a word out …jimin in the background is getting angry at his Best friends stupidity, all ready to interrupt and save his best friends ass and then jungkook surprises jimin as well as himself by actually speaking

“ hey taehyung..i know this is really out of no where but I like you and have been for long time..this is our last year of college and I don’t wanna miss the chance so would you go out with me? ”taehyungs face for solid minute is unreadable and jungkook just wants the floor to swallow him up and then taehyung suddenly speaks

“ But aren’t you and jimin a thing, like everyone is talking about how close you are and stuff I don’t know ..i just don’t wanna get hurt” before jungkook can deny and explain jimin jumps in between them startling both of them

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