Loose string's..

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Bright light was reaching his eyes...he had to squint in order to adjust to the light ..cool breeze was blowing... ruffling his hair...he found himself...in a field..well kind of....a smile...made a way to his face as he...felt the wind tickle his face slightly...he saw a movement in his peripheral vision...he whipped his head towards it...

He could see a familiar... silhouette ...he could recognize that person anywhere...he follows the silhouette... and reaches a place that is covered with daisies....and there in between that...he is standing...with his open arms... jungkook looks ethereal and jimin smiles... So brightly...he motions for jimin to come... jimin's heart is racing... cheeks are a beautiful shade of red...he runs towards jungkook and hugs him...

Jungkook returns the hug for a few seconds,  jimin is smiling contently..but suddenly he is drawing back ..when jimin moves to look he sees jungkook is looking behind him... he turns to follow jungkook's line of vision...his eyes widen when he sees taehyung there... before jimin can react jungkook is moving towards him...and hugs him happily and taehyung does the same...

Jimin is just standing there...he feels his cheeks getting wet...he doesn't understand and thinks

"I came between them "

and the thought breaks his heart and it hurts...it hurts like a bitch...a choked sob leaves past his lips...and his eyes open.

Yes it was dream...but his heart is aching...for real ...just then he hears the door creaking open he wipes his tears aggressively...and jungkook is in front of him with breakfast and with the smile which makes jimin's heartache more...

'he's just doing this for me'

'what if he still loves tae'

'what if m just a burden'

He is snapped from his thoughts when jungkook snaps his fingers in front of his face.

"Hey chim... Are you ok ?? " He asks

"Huh??" Jimin blinks and decides he needs to get a grip..." I am fine just still kinda sleepy is all" he mutters

"Oh..okay... I brought you breakfast and you have to finish everything on this tray..and this glass of milk..do you understand..??" Jungkook orders and jimin just nods and starts eating quietly, he feels eyes on him so when he looks up jungkook is looking at him eyebrows furrowed..jimin raises an eyebrow in question jungkook sits in front of him

"You seem awfully quiet...and not even arguing over milk .. something's up chim..?" Jimin just gives an awkward laugh..he doesn't want to tell jungkook about the dream or his insecurities so he just says.

"I just decided to give you break today... So today I decided to make peace with your hyper bunny side and just let you win " jungkook smirks and says

"You are saying that...as if you win every time.." and the cocky jungkook is back jimin just wants to wipe that smirk of off his face so bad he just huffs

"You know what forget it ... I take that back... I m not listening to you "

"Hahaha...god you look so cute right now pouting ...just like a chipmunk..." And jimin just shakes his head in disbelief and glares at him for his audacity.. jungkook just laughs "still not scary enough" he says next thing he knows a pillow hits his face shutting jungkook up...and he looks at jimin.

Someone like you..!! (Jikook)Where stories live. Discover now