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Jungkook stops the car in front of jimin’s house taking a deep breath and exhaling, he dares a glance at jimin’s direction who is awfully quite and jungkook doesn’t know what to do , he tentatively moves his hands towards jimin but jimin flinches at the touch and curls up on himself and jungkook thinks he is the most useless person on the planet because his best friend is so shaken up ,broken and he cant do anything about it.

After a few minutes jimin seems to grasp the surroundings and moves his hand to open the car door and jungkook still weary about the elders previous reaction to him touching him , so he lets jimin be … he follows jimin wordlessly as the boy on his wobbly feet taking small tentative steps walks towards his house.

Jimin reaches and stops in front of his room and watches as jungkook is looking at him worried for what he will do ? How he will react? But jimin just glances at him blankly and enters his room and closes the door behind him.

Jungkook just stands outsides jimin’s room staring at the closed door and trying to listen if jimin is crying he hears shuffling sounds and thinks that may be jimin is moving and he sighs. He is startled by jimin’s mom's voice

“ jungkook? What are you doing standing here outside jimin’s room?” and jungkook just stares at her unable to utter a single word thinking about the events of tonight should he tell jimin’s mom? Is it his decision to tell mom ? No! He thinks its jimin’s choice so he just settles on saying

“ nothing .. I just came to drop jimin off …from the party we went to …I ll get going now ..good night mom!!” he calls jimin’s mom “ MOM” because she has been one and kisses her cheek and leaves the house.

Meanwhile in the room jimin strip's down his clothes …throwing them on the floor of his room not caring at all and makes his way towards the bathroom and stands in the shower and starts scrubbing his skin harshly to the point it is all red and scratched and then slumps down still scrubbing and starts crying hysterically he remembers everything clear like Crystal , Bobby’s words echo in his head as if someone has put them on repeat mode and scrubs even harder.

Finally he comes out of the bathroom with no tears left in his now lifeless and hollow eyes , flops on his bed not feeling a single thing tries to close his eyes and may be get some sleep tonight, maybe this all is a fucking bad nightmare and if he just sleeps he will wake up like nothing of this night ever happened and then he drifts off.

Next thing jimin hears when he comes through is jungkook’s voice

“ jimin? Wake up ! Hey !!” when he opens his eyes he can see jungkook’s face with worry evident on his face and then last nights events come crashing down on him and he starts sobbing uncontrollably and jungkook just holds him through it.

After few minutes, when jimin’s breath evens and he looks up to jungkook

“ kookie ..” and jungkook just wants to die because jimin sounds so broken ,his voice hoarse jungkook cant bare to look at those lifeless blank eyes which once had so much spark, were full of life , jungkook just holds him

“ its ohkay jimin .. I am here with you .. we will get through this together ohkay?” jimin doesn’t reply just lets few tears fall freely from his eyes , jungkook contemplate's whether he should tell about Bobby’s death because he doesn’t know how jimin will react ,but then decides to tell jimin

“ jimin.. i need to tell you something” jimin takes a shaky breath and looks at jungkook and jungkook continues “ bobby is dead .. he got into an accident that night .!” jimin’s eyes widen for a minute and then go back to being life less.

Someone like you..!! (Jikook)Where stories live. Discover now