Ⅱ.Under A Silver Bedsheet

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2.Under A Silver Bedsheet

"Alessandra, are you alright?"

"Here, take my hand."

I grasp the pale, slim hand and push down on the ground to get up, making me face to face with my helper.

Lucius had a pale, pointed face, with pale blond hair and cold grey eyes. He was wearing his green and silver Hogwarts robes with the head boy badge pinned right over the crest.

Standing behind him was his mother, Dursilla Malfoy, with a look of importance and impatience seen clearly under her long pale blond hair, which was tied up in a bun.

"Thank you, Lucius. Good afternoon, Mrs. Malfoy. I hope everything's well," I said out of courtesy.

The Malfoys are good friends of my mother's family, and after attending the thousands of banquets held by both the Malfoys and Astirides, we are very well acquainted. The Malfoys, just like my mother's family, are not very friendly towards Muggles and believe in the pureblood aristocracy rubbish, which is one of the main reasons why my mom, dad, and I try to avoid them. But we stay on friendly terms, maintaining respect.

"Alessandra dear, what happened?"

"Oh, just tripped, that's all."

Mrs. Malfoy took out her wand and waved it over the mess, causing the trunk pieces to fly to each other and become one. Then, my clothes and books flew into the trunk, and the trunk snapped shut.

"Thank you, Mrs. Malfoy," I say gratefully.

"Ah, it's no problem. You better get a move on; the train leaves in five minutes. Your grandmother told me you were joining this year, and I have taken it upon myself to ask Lucius to guide you around. I saw that Black boy on top of you, ugh, spreading trouble as always," she scoffs.

"Stay away from him and his friends, Alessandra. His parents are distraught by his behavior. I pity them."

"They should have known as soon as he got sorted into Gryffindor."

Okay, that means Sirius and his friends are sensible, nice, and not pureblood maniacs. Good to know.

"Come on, Alessandra, the Head Boy compartment is completely vacant and spacious," Lucius continues.

Bloody hell, he doesn't expect me to sit with him, does he? I knew what a jerk he was to anyone who isn't a pureblood or is rich.

He does seem awfully sweet, well, less formal anyways.

I was kinda hoping to find my own friends this year.

But if I refuse, word will definitely travel to my grandmother, and that just means more taunts to my mother and a very awkward Christmas.

"That is very generous, thank you, but..."

I don't think he heard the but.

Lucius snaps his fingers, and a small boy not older than 12 comes running toward him.

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