VIII. SpitBugs

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"I am not daft

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"I am not daft. I  know I better get checked for mono."

"Not just mono, spitbugs too" Lily said laughing.

"Oh come on, your making that up." I say with disbelief.

"Hogwarts had a serious epidemic two years ago cause of spitbugs, right around Valentine's Day. Everyone's tongues were bright pink for weeks." Lily insisted.

"Probably was a serious epidemic." I said and then we both started doubling up on laughter, earning a pointed look from the librarian.

I had just concluded the recounts of the previous night to Lily.

Lily and I were in the library, working on our Arithmancy homework that the professor had given us at the end of the class. She had listened as I rambled for a straight fifteen minutes. I had the sense it was the best to leave out the visions and entire stuff with Lucius. Don't wanna dump too much drama on the girl I had met not even a day ago.
But I had brought up Snape and his rude tone.

"And what did I do for Snape to hate me ?" I groaned frustrated.

Lily had gotten uncomfortable at the mention of his name.
"Don't take it personally. He's like that to everyone these days."

I could sense some history there.

"Used to be a sweet guy once upon a time until he started getting into researching all that dark magic." Lily said bitterly.

This intrigued me.

Allesandra had personally never dwelled that much into dark magic. Her tutor had constantly warned her on the toll it takes on the body and soul. It was something that had a price. You become less human, or the thing that's make you human become more and more blurred. When she was younger she had thought it eventually made you into a mummy with your skin peeling off.

Dark magic was more and more common these days though. Suspicious murders, disappearances, kidnapping and trouble were everywhere. And everyone knew the reason why.

A powerful dark wizard, followed by a gang of twisted individuals trying to construct a new order.
I shivered at the thought of it.

I decided it's best for a change of topic.

"So what's up with those four." I ask Lily trying not to sound too eager.

She lifts up her eyebrow " You mean the marauders?"

"They call themselves that ?" I ask dumbfounded.

" Yup. And proudly. They are kind of like legends around Hogwarts. Yes they carry out pranks and annoy most people." Lily explains.

"And how have they not gotten expelled till now if they are such trouble makers ?" I ask confused.

"Well they never get caught. Mostly."

"How is that possible ? The professors here are not dumb enough for that."

"That is actually a thing lot of us wonder. Those guys are pretty smart though. Remus is very intellectual and well liked by the Professors, Sirius has the ability of charming almost anyone to do anything for him and Peter is kind and eager." Lily reasons with me.

"Arent you forgetting someone ?" I ask teasingly.

Lily blushes up.

"Well Potter is ... He is the captain of the quidditch team. Best player at Hogwarts in decades. Has won the cup for three years now. Incredibly smart. Good looking enough to have all girls swooning after him. But just like the Sirius and Peter, he's basically a bully, a narcissist who spends his time messing up his hair and basking in attention from whoever he can get it from."

"Really ? He seemed like a nice guy. Looked like he wouldnt hurt a fly." I ask confused.

"That is cause you have not seen him with Slytherins, or anyone he doesnt like." Lily explains sourly.

"So, is that why you would never go out with him?" I ask Lily, intrigued by her perspective on James Potter trying to brush past the fact that she was now a member of Slytherin and has not met one friendly person yet.

Lily pauses, considering her response carefully. "Partly," she begins, "but mostly because I don't know if he's truly a good person or not. Sure, he's kind to me and his friends, but then he turns around and hexes Slytherins like Snape who never did anything to him. It's like there are two sides to him, and I'm not sure which one is the real James Potter."

I nod in understanding, sensing the complexity of her feelings toward him. It must be difficult to reconcile the image of someone who treats you well with the knowledge that they can be cruel to others.

We move on from the topic of James Potter and start discussing Slughorn's upcoming party. Lily mentions that it's customary to bring a date, which prompts a brief moment of panic as we realize neither of us has secured one yet.

Lily explains that Slughorns exclusive parties were for those students he adored or found important because of familial ties or positions. The parties were usually for those of sixth years and above owing to the stronger alcohol present as well as the special members who sometimes attended. So it was Lily's first time attending too.

As we brainstorm potential candidates, an owl suddenly swoops into the library, carrying a letter marked with the name "Aristride" on the envelope under the silver seal.

I had enough experience to know that whenever the Aristrides wanted something, it usually never ended well.

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