Chapter 7

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Year: 2001

Liam Age: 8

I've have been visiting the boys more than I should. It's alright it doesn't matter. They've been calling me often to talk to me about their problems; Louis has gotten to the point of girl troubles. 10 years old and worrying about girl troubles. Tisk tisk. Right now, they haven't called me and I plan on hanging out with Matt and Stefan.

I look through the letter's I've gotten. They've sent me letters about more information of the troubles to come into the future. One that worries me deeply is when girls walk up to Niall and tell him he's not good enough when he makes it to One Direction.

A turtle. Liam is starting. He sounds hurt. I hate how it sounds so slow. Woody. He's starting to say it in pain. Why do they have to say it so slow!? I wait for the last one. 1D symbol. The same rush goes through me. I expect to find him in his room, but I'm not there. I look around at my surroundings. I'm at a school! I hear whimpering. I turn around and find guys pinning Liam against the lockers. I rush over to him. A guy is ready to deliver a punch. I step in front of Liam and some how stop the punch. I hold onto the boy's clutched hand and push against it so it doesn't hurt Liam.

"Wh-Who are you!?" he screams in my face.

"Liam! Run now!" I yell.

Liam slides from behind me and sprints out the doors. I stare into the guys icy cold eyes. I let go of his hand and step back. He looks around him. His face turns pale and runs the opposite direction of where Liam went. His friends follow behind him. How did that happen? I rush over to Liam who is trembling under a tree. I sit down next to him and pull him into a hug. He starts to sob quietly while I hold him.

"K-Katie? How they see you?" he asks

I sigh, "I don't know Li-Li. When I find out, I'll tell you right away okay?"

"Okay," he says in a small voice.

He has a small voice right now. I kiss the top of his head and help him stand up. We start to walk home for him. I look at his wrist watch. It's almost 4:30. His parents must be worried! I hold onto his hand. It's funny how I'm just a few years older to him now. We get to his house and he walks in. His two sisters come and ask him so many questions.

"Where have you been!?" one of them asks.

"These boys from year 5 tried to hurt me," Liam mutters.

Their faces are shocked. His other sister checks him over.

"What made them stop?" his sister asks.

"Katie blocked the punch and helped me," Liam says.

His sisters look at him in disbelief. I put my arm around Liam. His sister jumps back. I accidentally touched her hand in the process. She sticks her hand in my stomach. I start to giggle. It tickles!

"You're putting your hand in her stomach. She's laughing because it tickles her," Liam giggles.

She whips her hand away. I hear someone clear their throat from behind me. I turn around to find Matt standing there.

"Katie, it's urgent. You need to go back to the gates," Matt says before leaving.

I look down at Liam who is being comforted by his sisters. I sigh. If Matt says it's urgent, then it must be. I kneel down in front of Liam.

"I gotta go. My friend says it's urgent. I'll come visit you as soon as I can," I say.

He nods and hugs me.

"Love you Katie," he says.

"Love you too. Listen to what your sisters say. Even if it means dressing in girls close," I tease.

"Heey!" he says.

I kiss his forehead and start to leave. What's so urgent about me going to the gates? Once I get there, Nichole and Stefan have mortified faces. I look back and forth between them. They drag me to the viewing platform them put in coordinates for a hospital. It takes there and I find Simon lying in a hospital bed.

"What happened!?" I yell.

"He tried to kill himself," Nichole whispers.

My jaw drops. My brother Simon tried to kill himself!?

"They're allowing you to go see him. Nichole and I can take you. There's more to this that you should know," Stefan says.

We transport over there. I find my mother sitting there with tears running down her cheeks. A doctor walks in and starts to ask her questions.

"Any reason you think he might have done this?" the doctor asks.

"H-He lost his daughter 8 years ago. He's been in a deep depression ever since," she answers.

Daughter. I look at Stefan. He motions for me to continue listening.

"Who was his daughter if you don't mind me by asking," the doctor says.

"Katie. Katie Cowell. She died in a car accident. Simon blamed himself for it when it wasn't his fault," My mother, err, I mean grandmother starts to sob.

Simon is my dad!? I look at them in disbelief. I hear the monitor start to go crazy. I turn around and see that Simon is dying. No! He still has plenty of life to live! I see him come out of his body like I did to mine.

"Simon! What are you doing!?" I scream.

"K-Katie?" he stutters.

"Yes it's me. Don't die please! You still have a lot of life to live!" I say.

"Katie, but you have to know that I'm yo-" he gets sucked back into his body.

His eyes open wide. He looks around.

"That I'm your father," I hear him whisper.

I wrap my arms around him.

"I know," I say.

I let go and look at him. He looks around to see if I'm there. I know he can't see me. I can see him try to hide his smile. That's all I need. For him to just start smiling. I turn to Stefan.

"There's something else that's urgent," Stefan says.

Nichole grabs me by the wrist and takes me back to the gates to the office. She has me go inside to one of the heads. I walk in and sit down in a chair in front of a desk. She looks at me and hands me a note.

"Katie, what happened with you and Liam is no accident. Your feelings over powered your body causing them to have you appear to the humans. This rarely happens to a guardian angel, but you are a special one. Over the years, you will master it greatly. Once the boys reach their times in the xFactor, you will be able to show yourself as a human and will be visible to everyone," She says looking at me.

"H-How will I control it?" I ask.

"Oh you will know how. If you have any further questions, look at the note and it will answer all of them. You are dismissed," she says.

I nod and say thank you. I walk out and walk to my room. I sit down my bed and open the note. They always use the same gold letters for them.


If you have questions, visit Chase Daniels in room 170. You will also have assignments from him when the time comes. Good luck.

Assignments. Great this is starting to sound like school! I look at the time on the wall. It's almost 12 am. I'll visit Liam in the morning.


[A/N] KATIE TO THE RESCUE!! :D what do you think the assignments will be? O.o hmmm? Oh and almost 1,000 reads :D awesome!!! Get me to a 1,500 by the end of the day maybe? That would be awesome!! I also might update again today (:

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