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Welcome to 'From Words on Paper', where we get to know some of our favorite authors, and learm more from them beside what they create for the fandom.

Tonight on the show, we are joined by Slctexcen. An individual who writes a lot of 'Abused and Neglected' RWBY stories.  And we're honored that he could join us here, tonight.

Artomix: Frist of, I want to thank you for joining us. I want you to know that you're free to ask questions to me as well, and that you're not forced to answer a questions if you so wish.

Slctexcen: I'm grad to be here so let start you can ask me anything I don't mind

Artomix: Alright, the first question I always ask is, who are you? So why don't you talk a bit about yourself.

Slctexcen: Well everyone on Wattpad call me slc and I'm from Houston Texas and if you ever read any of my story you know that I'm a fan of rwby

Artomix: From what I've seen in your library, also the 'Abused and Neglected' Genre

Slctexcen: Yay most of the ideas I have go with that like my story part time rose it go's with that

Artomix: Alright. The next question is, does your name mean something special to you?

Slctexcen: Actually yes it actually the initials for my name and I became somewhat of a nickname so it stick

Artomix: Alright, simple enough. The next question is, how did you discover RWBY?

Slctexcen: It was on accident I was just watching some videos on YouTube then I accidentally clicked on the first episode of rwby then I became a fan

Artomix: Never though that could happen. I discovered it by one of stories here on Wattpad.

Slctexcen: Yeah most if my favorite shows and game I found on accident

Artomix: Each walk their own path, I guess. The next question I got is... have you ever written something before RWBY? If so, what is it about?

Slctexcen: Actually yes me and my friend try to write a fire emblem crossover story about me and his oc getting sent to the world of fire emblem but we canceled it because we could never finish it

Artomix: Writting takes a lot of time. Especially if it's your first time writting a story. I remember my first original story. It took about a year to finish it.

Slctexcen: Yep I have some story that are almost finish but I might rewrite them because I became somewhat better at writing then when I first started

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