Chapter 2

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Kagomes' POV:

My head was spinning. Marriage? With that jerk? No way. I shook my head.

"My Lady, with all respect, I don't want to marry your son," I tried to reason with her.

"And I don't want to marry a human wench," said the jerk next to me and I glared at him facing him straight on.

"My name is Kagome, you big arrogant self-centered dog. KA-GO-ME."

"And my name is Sesshomaru, you stupid excuse for a human. Learn your place. I am a Lord of the house of Dog demons. The mightiest demons in all the West," he said glaring down at me from that ridiculous height of his.

"And I'm a Lady from the house of Fox demons, the mightiest demons in all East. And they could kick your stupid dog asses any time we like!" I shouted at his face as I glared back up at him.

"You wish," he shot back at me and we just continued starring, till we both turned our faces away from each other. I can't stand the guy. I hate him to death! I just turned back to his mother and bowed my head.

"If you may excuse me, my Lady, I'll take my leave. Conversations with your son are making my brain cells die."

"What did you just say?" I heard him shouting after me as I started walking away from them both. Marry him? Over my dead body!


The evening came and the guards of the castle came to inform me that the Lady requires my company. I just smiled and immediately went into her chambers the same way I always did, the Shikon jewel securely on a small silver chain around my neck. I liked its' pure light. As I climbed the stairs of the tower to her chambers, a memory of a tainted Shikon jewel pierced my mind. It shone a dark light, evil aura surrounding it. And my sister, Kikyo....I stopped in my tracks. She's dead. And for such a long time now too.

I took the Shikon jewel into my fingers and remembered the times when it was still in the possession of my older sister. She was such a beauty and the jewel shone so brightly in her hands. But one faithful night, when the half-demon Inuyasha attacked the village and stole the Shikon jewel from my sister, it was at the same night that my sister died from the wounds that she got from the fight. And it was the same night that the Shikon jewel became black. I was scared of it. I didn't want to touch it. But the moment I did, the darkness disappeared and a bright pink light shone from it blinding almost everyone, but not me.

The jewel called to me. It spoke my name and carved my touch. It felt like it was almost alive. Even now, its pure light shone with content. I bit my lower lip and continued my walk up the stairs till I finally reached the chambers of Sesshomarus' mother. I took one last deep breath and put a smile on my face before I knocked, a soft "Come in," was heard and I stepped inside and closed the door behind me.

"You called, my Lady?" I asked and bowed slightly to her. She just stood up and walked right to me hugging me tightly. I stood there and hugged her back. I liked the Lady of this particular house the most besides my own family. She was strong and knew what to do to get what she wanted. And that's what got me a little bit worried, because what she wanted now was my marriage to her son.

"Kagome, my dear," she said as she pulled me away to an arm's length to look at me. "Please sit," she motioned to a chair right near her own. I sat down and watched at how gracefully she sat next to me. Compared to her I looked clumsy and most definitely like a little kid. She gave me a pleasing smile and I returned the favor trying to act like a Lady should.

"What did you call me for, my Lady," I asked politely but already knowing what she wanted to discuss.

"My dear," she said as she took my hand in hers looking deeply into my eyes with her golden ones. "I would like you to reconsider. I already talked to your step-father and he was more than happy about my proposal. And even if Sesshomaru doesn't know about it, he does need someone like you in his life. "

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