Chapter 4

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Kagomes' POV:

Next few days were weird. After the accident in the garden the relationship between me and Sesshomaru changed. Instead of the usual glares and jabs at each other every time we saw each other we instead smiled and nodded our head in recognition. He acted all high and mighty walking with a straight back letting everyone know of his status but when our eyes met his expression changed. It fascinated me. He always used to be so stoic and to see him smile at me so often was...for a lack of better word I'd say fascinating.

"Did something happen between you and the young Lord, my Lady?" asked Sango one day as she brushed my hair in my chambers. I straightened my back and looked at her from the corner of my eye.

"Why would you think that?" I asked cautiously.

"It's just the way he looks at you," she said with a shrug and dropped the topic. I on the other hand couldn't stop thinking about it. Was it obvious to others too? Did they see him look my way more often now? Did they notice the change between us? My cheeks flushed. Oh God.


The day started as per usual. I had breakfast served in my room, washed, dressed and let Sango brush my hair. I watched the sun out of the window and smiled thinking it would be another beautiful day outside. It was then that a knock on my door startled me and I jumped in my chair. Sango put down the brush and I looked over my shoulder as I watched her open the door and my big brother came inside. My face brightened and I jumped up to hug him.

"Oh, big brother, how I missed you!" I said as I heard him laugh hugging me back.

"And I missed you just as much little sister. I heard you are being picky about your husband and you turned down Sesshomaru," he said as he ruffled my hair and Sango huffed in the corner. We both started to laugh at her pouty face as I led him into my room and sat with him on my bed.

"What brings you here, big brother?" I asked very happy to see him after so long.

"Can't a brother come and visit his only sister?" he said looking hurt.

I panicked.

"Of course you can! I didn't mean it like that, I just..."

I was cut off when I saw him grin at me and I pouted. He was making fun of me. He laughed and patted my head looking apologetic.

"There, there. I'm sorry, now don't be mad at me."

I just sighed and rested my head on his shoulder. I felt him kiss the top of my hair as he wrapped his hand around my waist and I finally heard him sigh.

"I heard about the attack," I looked up to him and he smiled at me," and I got scared. I talked to my parents and we all agreed. We want you back home Kagome."

"Home?" I asked not really understanding. "Why do you want me to go home?"

"Cause we can't protect you when you're not in our reach. I want you close so I can make sure nothing like that happens again," he said as he caressed my hair. "So I came to ask you. Will you come home with me?"

I bit my lower lip. I missed my parents and I definitely missed my big brother. But what about the Dog Lady? I came to like her so much over the time I spent here. Besides, didn't my parents agree to me marrying Sesshomaru? As that thought flashed my mind I saw his smiling face and.....yeah...I have to go home.

"What about the marriage proposal? Didn't our parents agree to it? Won't they be mad at me?" I said in a low voice.

"You rejected the Young Lord fair and square. If it's not your wish, we definitely won't force you to marry him. Besides, to be honest, I told them it would end up like this. I know how much you hate Sesshomaru," he laughed scratching the back of his head. I smiled at him a bit and I pulled away.

"Well then, I have some packing to do," I said and Sango nodded pulling out my suitcases.


It was the same day and already evening when I was sitting in the carriage and the Lady of the house was at the side of it looking sad.

"I feel like my child is leaving me," she said as she caressed my cheek and I smiled at her.

"I will miss you also my Lady." I said and pulled out a little box handing it to her. "A little present so you don't forget about me," I said as I watched her open the box and she smiled. Inside here was a small glass dark colored rose. She clutched it to her chest and I saw tears in the corner of her eyes. She hugged me tightly to her before she let me go and ran inside. I sighed. I really hated goodbyes.

I smiled at my brother and he gave the order to ride making the carriage move. As I watched the familiar scenery fade I saw sun reflect from a patch of shiny silver hair standing on top of the balcony watching the carriage move away.

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