Chapter 5

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Sesshomarus' POV:

It was an early morning when a knock disrupted my sleep. Before I could even allow the entrance the door opened and I saw Shippo standing before me in all his might. From the looks of it, he didn't come here as a friend but rather the crown Prince. I stood up to greet him but he stepped closer.

"Cut the crap, Sesshomaru."

I was taken aback by his attitude and I didn't really know how to react.

"What's the meaning of this?" I asked, his sharp eyes burying into me with visible anger in them.

"Did or did not my sister got shot at with an arrow in your own garden, Sesshomaru?" he asked and I was taken aback. I turned my face back into my stoic one to answer his question truthfully.

"Yes. But I was able to stop the..."

"Did or did you not catch the culprit?" he didn't let me finish so I just narrowed my eyes and answered his questions.


"And how the hell am I supposed to believe you're capable of protecting her when you let something like this happen under your own nose, Sesshomaru? My parents and I entrusted her into your care believing you will be able to protect her, but as it seems we were mistaken."

I just stood there letting him vent out his anger at me.

"I already talked to your mother, Sesshomaru, and she told me Kagome rejected you before you could even propose. Besides, as I heard from your mother, you had no intention of marrying her either. And thus, I'm taking her back home," he said and turned his back on me.

I stood there with my face deprived of all emotion just like it always was. He gave me one more glance and spoke, "I don't want this to be the end of our friendship or partnership, but I won't allow any harm to come to my family. I hope you can understand, Sesshomaru," and with that he excited my room and closed the door behind him.

And now, I watched the carriage leave the castle grounds, the wind blowing through my hair as if waving goodbye to the human girl sitting inside. I stood there, with my stoic mask as my mother emerged behind me and the girl was nowhere to be seen anymore.

"Are you just gonna let her leave, Sesshomaru?" she asked and I turned to her seeing her clutch a dark colored glass rose in her hands.

"It was her decision," I answered and walked past her inside. And since then, my face didn't change.


Hours turned to days and days turned into weeks and the castle grew cold. Her room was empty, her scent faded, the servants grew quiet once again and the gardens were empty. I saw the looks people gave me when I passed them, but I didn't quite understand them. Concern? Why would they be concerned about me? I was more worried about my mother. She spent most of her days locked in her room staring at that stupid piece of glass. I was just passing a corridor into my mothers' chambers when a raven found its' way on one of the windows just before me. It had shiny black feathers and it stretched its' wings letting a few lose feathers onto the ground. It looked at me with its black eyes and spread its wings to fly off again. I picked up a feather, the color reminding me of her hair, her hair reminding me of her face and her face reminding me of her smile. I tucked the feather into my kimono as I knocked on my mothers' door and entered her chambers in hope to cheer her up a little.


It was now a month after the human girl left the castle and it was the first time my mother left her room when she enthusiastically opened my door and went in without knocking.

"Sesshomaru!" she said excitedly, a spark of life evident in her eyes after such a long time. It surprised me, because I did everything demonly possible to entertain her, but nothing helped.

"What's wrong mother?"

She waved a letter in front of my face.

"An invitation came."

"What invitation?" I asked slightly confused.

She just smacked the letter on my face.

"Silly boy. An invitation to a wedding from the Fox demon house!"

I froze. Excuse me? She's been gone just a month and she's already getting married? Did her parents find a new husband for her already? My mother had to see the look in my face when she chuckled and pointed at the letter.

"Just read, pup."

I took the letter and finally let my breath out.

"It's Shippos' wedding," I said to her and my mother chuckled.

"Did you get worried someone else might have gotten to Kagome? Don't worry. The girl is apparently very picky about her mate. I kept in touch with the Lady of the Fox demon house and she told me Kagome rejected every single one of the demon lords that proposed to her.

I stiffened again.

"Demons proposed to her?" I asked.

"She is very wanted with that Jewel around her neck. It is said that it can amplify demons' powers."

"So they want her because of the Jewel?" I huffed. Like she'll ever say yes to that.

"Well I heard the Wolf prince is being very persistent though. He seems to have grown to like the feisty attitude she has. I heard that he's following her around like a lost puppy bringing her flowers every day and doing everything she tells him to. Apparently the Wolf demons stopped attacking humans because Kagome said she would never marry someone who is killing humans. It's very interesting in a way..." my mother kept on talking but a picture of a wolf kneeling in front of Kagome with flowers in his hands was stuck on my mind. Mother was still talking when I just turned my back to her and cut her speech.

"We are invited, so we should go."

I felt my mother go silent and saw a grin on her face as I took a look from the corner of my eyes.

"I'll prepare the horses," she said and left me on my own.

Like hell I'd let a dirty flee bag get Kagome. Not gonna happen, not till I'm alive. My thoughts surprised me. When did I start to think about her like that? I pulled out a raven feather from my kimono and looked at it fondly. I'm going to see her after a month. I wonder if she thought of me, or if she was glad to get out of this place. She left without a second thought, a second glance. It just makes me wonder. Does she still hate me? Because for some reason I don't find her annoying anymore.

When I thought about it, the jabs weren't that bad. And if you take them away, she was always by my side. The whole time we were picking at each other we were next to each other. And now that she was gone there was something missing. Something wasn't right.


The beast inside me kept mourning her leave, it kept calling for her. And now I was going to see her again. Suddenly I felt like a huge burden was lifted off my shoulders and I clutched the raven feather in my hand. I was going to see her again.

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