Chapter 3

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Sesshomarus' POV:

It was late at night when I heard a soft knock on my door.

"Enter," I granted permission and watched as a servant opened my door and let my mother enter my room. She just waved her hand and the servant bowed closing the door and leaving us alone. I stood still as my mother watched me with a strange sparkle in her eyes.

"To what do I owe the pleasure, mother?" I broke the silence as her gaze started to feel uncomfortable.

"Can't a mother visit her only son?" she asked, pretending to be hurt.

"You never visit me just cause you feel like it, mother," I raised my eyebrow at her and she smiled at me sweetly.

"You're right, as usual, my boy. I would like to talk to you about the girl, Kagome."

I growled.

"There's nothing to talk about regarding that girl."

"Of course, "she hid her smile behind her fur. "Now there isn't. Kagome rejected you, you know," she sighed melodramatically as she shook her head at me. "Saying he's a great Lord and can't even make a human girl like him let alone fall in love with him. You know, your father was quite the charmer," she started as her gaze turned all dreamy and she blushed as she recalled a memory I didn't want to know about. Something else bothered me, though.

"She rejected me?" I asked and my mother came back from her daydream clearing her throat.

"Indeed. Seems the great Sesshomaru isn't so great after all," she sighed and shrugged. "Well in any case, I just wanted you to know you didn't have to follow her around. Seems she's not interested to become a Lady to this great Lord," she said sarcastically as she opened the door and looked at me one last time through her shoulder. "Don't let it get to you pup. Sweet dreams," and she left me in my room alone.

A human rejecting the Great Lord of the West? Who does she think she is? I was the one doing the rejecting and not her. Demonesses all around the country were throwing themselves at me pleading me to mate with them, yet she just plainly rejected me and in front of my mother as well? What insolence!

I couldn't sleep, my ego too hurt to lie in bed. I roamed the empty hallways of the castle not really knowing where I was headed to. I just sighed and decided to go back to my room and turned the corner to start climbing the stairs when someone bumped into me. I looked down on the bundle of messy raven black hair that was now bowing to me politely and a scent of lilies and cut grass hit my nose.

"I'm terribly sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," said the human girl in a sweet apologetic voice. She sure was like an open book. She was a terrible liar, when she attempted to lie to me, her face would turn pink, her voice would be jumpy and her palms would get sweaty. On the other hand when she was telling the truth, she was always confident, had that spark in her blue eyes and a pose of a noble. Her facial expressions changed every few seconds and I found that amusing. She was incapable of a poker face that I mastered so many years ago. When she was embarrassed, her face would turn pink, when she was angry, her eyes would tear up (which I found weird) and when she was happy she was all smiles and laughter. At that moment I was amazed at how much I already knew about the girl. It felt almost natural to poke at her.

"I think this is the first time you ever bowed to me, "I said, a slight smirk on my face. I saw her straighten her back at the sound of my voice and she looked me right in the eye. I saw the anger and the unsaid insults she was throwing at me with that glare before she just smiled sweetly at me and walked past me without a word. That confused me. I've known the girl for the majority of my life but she managed to surprise me even after all this time. I walked after her, suddenly interested at what she was doing up at this hour. Couldn't she sleep just like me? Did mothers' talk upset her that much? I had too many questions. The most important question though lingered in the back of my head. Why did I care?

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