Chapter 6

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Kogas' POV:

It was already evening when I first came to the castle. The sky was crimson from the sun setting behind a mountain top. The castle was rather large, but that was to be expected of the great Fox house. What peeked my interest though was not the building, but the amount of different kinds of demons that were present on the grounds, parading about with their minions. I knew what the deal was, but to be honest, I'm a wolf. A free spirit, not really interested in getting tied down by marriage or any woman as a matter of fact. I loved my life in the forest and being able to hunt with my pack. Even now I felt my wolves rest in the forest not too far from the castle after the long run here. I was here just because my father ordered it. I grinned. Well, what are the odds of Princess choosing me as a mate with so many males here? The thought of getting out of here wife free was lifting up my mood. I'm not saying that marriage with someone from the Fox house wouldn't be a good deal with wolves, but come on. A wife? I didn't even know anything about the girl. All I heard from my travels is that she is a human and she possesses the Sacred jewel.

I didn't need the damned thing, wolves were strong enough even without it. In fact, other than the Dog house, we were the strongest demons in the whole West. But whoa. What kind of a human attracts so many demons? I just shrugged it off, not really paying any attention to where I was going, just looking for a place out of range of everyone and I found one under a large tree in the back gardens of the castle. The stars were shining brightly and the moonlight was reflecting from the water in a small pond and illuminating the whole scenery. The fireflies were dancing in the grass and flowers were in full bloom. My sight however was caught by something else. There was a woman. Her skin was shining in the moonlight and her raven hair moved in the soft breeze. She was kneeling at a patch of flowers, dark blue roses, and in the reflection in the water I could see she was sad. A little jewel around her neck shone in a dim pink light.

What was she doing here all by herself? I sniffed the air and a smell of lilies and cut grass hit my nose. She smells nice, but still very much like a human. It concerned me even further. Doesn't she know how dangerous it is to be here at night with so many demons around? I frowned. Well, I'm a demon too. I watched her pick up a flower and jerk her hand a small bit when a smell of blood filled my nose. I grew wary, looking around for presence of other demons, but there was no one around us. I watched her slip her hurt finger into her mouth fascinated by the way she moved. It was so graceful, noble but...sad.

Before I knew what I was doing, I was on my feet and emerged from the shadow of the big tree into the moonlight. Her big eyes landed on me as she noticed my presence and her blue orbs struck my soul. She was easily the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Small, petite and yet her presence left me speechless.

She slipped her finger out of her mouth to look at me with curiosity, still holding the dark rose in her other hand.

"Who are you, stranger?" she addressed me and her voice gave me goosebumps. It sounded like angels song to my ears. My heart raced in my chest and I had to swallow a big whole of nothing to get my words out.

"My name is Koga, my Lady. Prince of the Wolf demon tribe," I said with a slight bow of my head in respect to her. She bowed to me as well acknowledging my presence.

"So you came to see the Lady as well?" she said and I felt a sting in my heart from her words.

"That is correct," I said but without hesitation I took her hands in mine to make her look at me.

"But no Lady can be more beautiful than you, my Lady," I said looking directly into her eyes.

She blinked at me, before she giggled. The heavens blessed my ears with her laughter and my heart started beating even faster. I took the rose from her fingers and stuck it behind her ear, a blush crept on her cheeks.

"Koga, was it?" she said, my name from her lips sounding very appealing.

"Yes, my Lady," I said, very glad she remembered my name.

"Since you were so nice to me, I'll reward you."

I tilted my head and listened to what my Night Fairy had to say.

"The Lady of the house, she has a special request for everyone who is interested in taking her hand in marriage." She said and I frowned. Why was she talking about her now? And why would that be a reward.

"I know her request, young Prince and I would like to tell you if you're willing to listen." She said looking at me with something mysterious in her eyes.

"Why do you want to help me get to the young Lady?" I asked as she freed her hands from mine and turned to show me her back.

"That's what you came here for, is it not?" she said and looked back at me from behind her slender shoulder. She took me by surprise. Well, yes. Originally I did come here for the Fox Lady but now...

I heard my wolves howl from the forest and I looked in the general direction of their howl, the moon bigger than ever before.

"The Lady wishes for the Moon," she said snapping my attention back to her making me gawk.

"She wants what?"

I heard another giggle from my Night Fairy.

"Tomorrow at noon she will greet all her suitors in the front yard and stakes her condition. The Lady will marry the first person that will bring her the Moon." She said and smiled at me. "I hope to see you again young Prince Koga."

Before I could do or say anything else she hurried off and I was left just with the memory of my Night Fairy. She didn't even give me her name. I glanced back at the Moon and frowned. She wants the Moon, huh? Looks like the young Lady doesn't want to get married either. Well, that doesn't matter now. I found someone else that peeked my interest.

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