They Meet...

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Louis' P.O.V

"Come on guys!!" I shouted, "We're going to be late for the show!!". "Why do you even want to go? You've never been interested in the arts before." Zayn asked me. "Well, remember when we were passing infront of this bulletin board on the way from the studio? Well there was a poster for this Swan Lake show and the lady , or I guess the lead in the show looked pretty. I wanna see her." I stated matter-of-factly. "Ooooh, someone's got a little crush then," Liam teased me while wiggling his eyebrows. " *gasp* Louis, I thought we had something special?!" Harry exclaimed. " I guess not Haz," I said. "Oh come on, is it just me who wants to see pretty girls?" "I guess you've got a point there Lou..." Zayn cosidered it. ""Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's GO!!!" I screamed, victorious.

Zoey's P.O.V

"Oh my gosh..." I said breathless. It was the 10 minute intermission. This was the only time I had to rest until I was chucked back out onto the stage. "Wow, you were amazing Zoey!!" Nicola told me. I didn't notice her come up to me. I loved that she was so nice though. "You really think so?" "Yeah, definitely!!" "Thanks" I replied smiling. "Where are Alex and Sophie?" I asked. "Oh, they're getting some water." "Oh, ok.". For the second time that evening, the lights dimmed and the announcer told everyone to go back to their seats. "Wow, that was ten minutes?" "Yeah, I guess so. See you later, I have to get to the left wing." Nicola waved goodbye to me. "Alright, see you!" I called back after her reatreating figure.

"Wow...." I said to myself, I felt really nervous again. "Shut up Zoey!" I mentally scolded myself. I could't be nervous at a time like this. Right at that moment, The music started playing and I got to my position by the stage. I remembered to look at the balcony when I got out onto the stage, just like we were taught. But all that was thrown out the window when I got onto the stage.

When I heard my cue, I ran gracefully onto the stage. But, I made the mistake of glancing down to the audience. Because when I looked at the audience, I saw the most beautiful pair of sky blue eyes looking up at me. I was immediatley mesmerized and got lost in them. Luckily, I was brought back into reality when I realized what I was doing. I made up for that little-slip up by dancig my very best for the rest of the show.

By the time I got back to my dressing room, I had almost forgotten about "the incident", but it all came flooding back when I heard a knock at my door and suddenly, I was staring back into those magical eyes. There was just soomething abou them that made it so hard to resistlooking at them. The mystery boy cleared his throat and spoke for the first time.

Louis' P.O.V

Oh my god, she was more beautiful in person. I had left the boys to come and congratulate the lead dancer. Her name was Zoey, I learned, it was a beautiful name really. I got the guard to let me in her dressing room. I knocked to be polite and went inside. I guess she just got inside because she hadn't done anything yet. To change out of her costume, remove her make-up, nothing. She was pretty surprised to see me. I would be too, if a stranger just came into my dressing room out of nowhere. I noticed it was getting awkward so I cleared my throat and I said "Hi...". I realized how more awkward that made it seem, and I mentally slapped myself. Zoey seemed amused though.

Zoey's P.O.V

He seemed nice. I also noticed that he had a British accent. I love British accents. They seemed so posh and sophisticated. I smirked because when he said "hi", he seemed to regret it instantly. A look of horror went across his face. I decided to make it less awkward by saying "hi" too. "You were really great out there." he said jerking his head, gesturing to the stage. "Thanks, if you don't mind me asking, who are you?" "You really don't know?" he askedme. That seemed a little big-headed, but I let it slide. "Nope, sorry." I replied. "Well, my name's Louis Tomlinson, of the band One Direction." he replied. "Hmm, One Direction, sounds familiar.". Then it hit me, What Makes You Beautiful, One Thing and Gotta Be You were just some of their ultra popular song that girls went crazy for. "Oh! I know you guys!" I said. "Not my type of music though, sorry." "That's fine." he said." "Well I just watched your show, and I thought you were really amazing. To be honest, when I saw a poster advertising this, I forced the boys to watch this to see you" he confessed, blushing. "Wow, thanks, that's really nice of you." I said. "Do you think I could have your number, love?" he asked me, still blushing. Without thinking, I gave it to him. With that 4 boys came tumbling inside the room summoning Louis because they had to go. I recognized them as the rest of One Direction, and then Louis bid me a reluctant goodbye and walked out the door promising to text me later.

That was weird, I thought when they had left. It was a good kind of werd though. Smiling, I proceeded to get ready to leave the theatre.



They're sweet :")

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