What I See from the Stage

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My name's Zoey Clarke. I'm an aspiring prima ballerina. I love dancing with all my heart. It makes me feel free, like you're floating on Cloud 9. In short, it feels amazing. You're never as free as when you dance, that's what I always say. That's basically what 'm all about, dance. I live in New York to pursue my career in the arts business. I lived here to increase my chances of being noticed by any important person that may take an interest in what I do. Here's my story, the story of how my whole life turned around after a single show.

----Saturday, on the way to ballet rehearsal----

I woke up at exactly 9 in the morning. Pretty early for me. Actually it was a record, I usualy never wake up before 11 on Saturdays. Then I remembered: today was my recital. It might not sound like much, but it was really special for me. It was my first time being the lead role. This performance would make of break me, and I knew it. A lot of important pople were going to be there. We would be performing on of my all time favorite ballets: Swan Lake. It was so graceful and I loved it. Since it was graceful, I had to remind myself to keep my facial expressions in- check. I couldn't be making random face in front of the audience, now could I?

I got up, showered and ate some breakfast. After that I went up the stairs of my apartment and got ready for rehearsals. I was really excited, definitely in the ballet mood today. I took a cab towards the ballet studio. When I got there, it was empty. So, I took this chance to warm up and practice for my solos. Arter a while, all my mates came, and by then, I was really warmed up. Our ballet master came and all of us prepared for a long day in rehearsals.

By about 4'o'clock, rehearsal was over. we were to get ready, put on our costumes and make up, and then we would meet at the theatre for the last dress rehearsal. By then I was had a bad case of the nerves. But my friends Alex, Nicola and Sophie cheered me up and reassured me that I would be great. That's what I love about them, always ready to help.

We all have different personalities, but when we first met as apprentices for our company, we instantly "clicked". Alex is really outgoing and friendly and Sophie is the funny goofy one of the group. Then our little Nicola is te youngest. She's pretty shy, if you're a stranger to her, but once you get to know her, she's really an amazing person. She's really nice and caring. So that's our little group. And as I said I really do love them. I would be lost without them. We made our way to the stage and just chatted until we were needed for the start of the show.

Then, all of a sudden, the lights dimmed and the anouncer's voice came on tlling everyone to please sit down and get ready for the show. Before I knew it, I was being ushered onto the wings of the stage, being told to pay attention for my cue. Instantly, I felt me nerves just melt away. I set my shoulders, puffed out my chest and put on my "performance face". This is what I was born to do, become a ballerina. 

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