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Zayn's P.O.V

When we got back to our hotel, I announced to the boys that I was going to take a shower. I had to clear my head. I thought Zoey was amazing. But I could also see that Louis liked her. It was pretty obvious actually. After my shower, I had come to a desicion. I was going to back off. I liked Zoey sure, but I could see that Louis liked her way more. It was clear as day.

Who knows, maybe she has some nice friends.

Louis P.O.V

I was really excited for tomorrow. I could feel butterflies in my stomach. Sincesince I was so excited, I decided to call it a day. I showered, cleaned my teeth and checked my Twitter. I replied to some tweets and went to bed.

-------The Next Day------

I got up bright and early because I was so excited. Also because I always wake up early, it's just the kind of person I am, I guess. I got up from my bed and Went with my morning routine. I got up, ate some breakfast, showered and cleaned my teeth. I wanted to look good for when I meet Zoey, but I didn't want to it to look like I was trying too hard. On the other hand, I didn't want it to look like I dodn't care. So in the end, I just went with some colored pants-my trademark, I thought- and a Rolling Stones band tee. I mean, who doesn't love the Rollong Stones? So I thought my choice of dress was pretty good.

Next, I hollered to the boys to wake up because I wanted to go shopping.

"Oi! Get up you lazy asses!! I want to go shopping!!"

"Shut up Louis!" Zayn replied

"I want to go shopping!!" I whined

"Fine, we'll go shopping. Just shut the hell up!"

"Yaaay! Be ready in 30 minutes!" Yeah, I knew I would get my way.

When we got out to go shopping, it was 10 in the morning. Slim chance of getting noticed by fans so it was a good thing I reminded the boys.

First, we went to get some breakfast, because the boys complained they were hungry. Then we went to this lingerie shop because I dared them to. We had a giant laugh when Harry came out of the dressing rooms sporting a black bra and panties. That boy is shameless, he is I thought. But then again, who in this band isn't?

After a while, we all ended up trying on different playsuits. I guess I lost track of time because when I checked my phone it was already 10:45. So, I told the boys I had to go.

"Where ya' goin' Lou?" Niall asked me.

"He's got a date with that fancy ballerina I reckon. " it was Zayn who answered.

"Oh shut up Zayn," I replied. It backfired though because I was blushing as I said this.

"Ooohhh" the boys teased.

"Someone's blushing I see" Niall said smirking

"Boys give him a break." Liam said

"Fine." the guys said reluctantly.

"Well, I guess I'll see you boys later. Thanks Liam. Swag masta is out, PEACE!" I waved goodbye, earning some stares from the mall clerks. By this time it was already 10:50, so I dashed like a madman to the Starbucks where we were going to meet. I got there 5 minutes early, just in time to fix my appearance I thought. I went to the bathroom to fix my hair and all that. Wjen I was satisfied with my appearance, I got out to find Zoey sitting at a nearby table. She swiveled her head to look around and she saw me. Our eyes locked and I was filled with butterflies.


Ew, mushy love stuff. Haha :)

Hello readers!! Me here, sorry for the long wait and stuff....

Vote, comment, fan!! All that stuff. Thanks for reading :)

- Sophie :)

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