Chpter 1: the date to end all dates

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"Ruffnut are you ready?" I asked as we put her wedding dress on.

"YES. I love Snotlot." She exclaimed.

"Remember I will all ways be here for you Ruff."

"Thanks Astrid." She said hugging me.

"Let's go" I said

"You did great Astrid, she looks beautiful." Hiccup told me.


I can't believe its bin a year scents the great dragon war. And the world has gone nut Snotlot and Ruff have falling in love and gotten married. Hiccup and I are on our way there too.

"Astrid?" Hiccup yelled nervously.

"Yes Hiccup" I said kissing him

"Uh.... like.... like....... *gulp* TO GO ON A DATE WITH ME?!" he finally said shaking.

"Yes, but you don't NEED to shout." I said hugging him.

"ASTRID!!" I heard Ruffnut scream.

"Wait. What's wrong" I asked

"ASTRID I'M PREGNANT!" Ruffnut yelled.

"That's great does Snotlot know?"I asked

"No" she said shyly

"Why not?"

"I'm scared to tell him. What if he passes out?"

"He'll wake,.......soon."

"I'm not telling him"

"We'll tell him together Alright?"

"Ok" she said with confidence.

**later at Ruffnut and Snotlot's house*

"Snotlot? Honey?" Ruffnut called

"Yes angle?" He said coming to the door.

"I'm pregnant." She said shyly

".........YAHOO!!!!" he yelled picking up Ruff and spinning her in a circle.

"I need to go guys I have a date" I told them.

"Bye Astrid, and thanks" Ruff said.

I ran home like my life depended on it.

Then I ran up stares to search my closet for a dress, any dress.

I found the only dress I haven't shredded, it is a pail blue green. I let my hair down and it was wavy.

At 7:00 there was a knock on my door.

"Astrid malady,are you ready?"came the voice of Hiccup.

"Yes I'm coming!"I said running to the door. And when I opened the door to see hiccup in his nicest armer he owned "Hey Hiccup." I said, then his mouth dropped.

"Astrid you look amazing!" He told me.

"Thank you Hiccup"I said blushing.

"Come with me" he said putting me on toothless' back. We flu all the way to the cove were there was a romantic candle light diner.

"Do you do this?" I asked

"Yes,do you like it?"

"I love it!"


(At the end of the date)

"Hiccup it's late I need to go home"

"I have to ask you something." He said getting down on one knee,"will you marry me?"

"YES, YES, YES I WILL!!!" I Said starting to cry with joy. I pulled his up in to the longest most prosperous kiss ever.

"I love you Astrid." He whispered into my ear.

"I love you too!" I whispered to him

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