Chapter4: Help Will Come

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I have had my first request on a child for Hiccup and Astrid. A little girl named Lexie. And the person ships_and_books (if this is not right I'm sorry I'm doing this from memory) pouted out that the name Lexie means defender of man. And we have a few more chapters till Astrid has the little one so comment.


Astrid's P.O.V.

It's bin two months and I was starting to show. I cried all the time cause at this rate Hiccup would never know his child, and our child would never know him.

"Good morning miss." A nice, warm voice said.

"Good morning Adam." I said. Adam was a servant boy that cared for me.

"Why do you all ways cry?"he asked. He was a little boy who's parents were killed by Drago's dragons.

"Because" I said putting him on my lap "I'm going to have a baby. But Hiccup the daddy is not here."

Adam put his little hand on my belly. I felt like he was mine and he was waiting for a little brother or sister.

A tear came to my eye at the thought, but it was a happy tear.

"I wish you were my mommy." He said looking up at me with his little brown eyes. I ran my fingers through his brown hair and smiled.

"Well then I tack care of you like you were mine. Ok?" I said. His eyes lit up like a million suns and he hugged me.

"I guess I have a four year old son. Come on let's go for a walk."

"Can we go to the cages and feed some dragons?" He asked

"Why not maybe I'll find a terrible terror."

After an hour or so. I found a small terror that could fly to Berk finally some progress.

"I want this terror as a companion" I told Drago hoping he would agree. That is why I hadn't attempted to escape.

"Fine, you get the terror and the boy"

"Thank you" I said before leaving.

And that night at midnight I sent a letter to Berk.

"Mommy why are you awake?" Adam asked rubbing his eyes.

"I sent a letter to Daddy so he can save us."

"Ok" he said climbing into my lap and falling asleep.

"Please get the note to Berk"

Hiccup's P.O.V.

I Woke up when Toothless pushed me off the bed and Stormfly had a terror in her mouth.

"What?" I asked. She dropped the terror in my lap and I saw a note on its leg. It said ,' help my name is Astrid and I need to get it Berk I'm four islands north of cast out island. Please come quick. '

That was all she wrote. I didn't hesitate to run to my mom's room and yelled

"Mom I know were she is I know were she is."

"What you know how?"

"She used airmail."

We both ran out said and got the hole academy settled up.

And we took off.

Astrid's P.O.V.

Its bin two days and I was ready. Cents I was two months pregnant I had to ware dresses, but being pregnant those were the most comfortable thing to ware.

"Mommy"Adam ran crying.

"What, what's the mater?"

"Dragon riders are attacking "

"Come on" running to The balcony.

"Astrid! " Hiccup said landing on the balcony.

"I love you" I said hugging him. Then continued, "honey I'm pregnant with you baby. I was going to tell you the night I was kidnapped"

"I know you are. My mom told me on accident. Come on we need to leave"

"Adam come here"I said and he ran in to my arms crying.

"Who is that?"

"Long story short he is your son I adopted."

"Ok Astrid what's his name?"

"Can I explain at home"

"Right. To brek " he yelled to the gang

"ASTRID" they all yelled



COMMENT on what you think for kids gender, names and how many.

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