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He was finally snapped out of his memories by a loud thud that echoed through the abandoned studio. Most of his body had been destroyed by whatever had been in that needle Joey had used on him, but he had managed to bind his consciousness to one of the many cut outs that littered the studio.

He could "see" what they "see", "hear" what went on around them, move the cut outs a little bit, and transfer his mind to different cut outs, but he could not interact with anything.

Right now he was possessing the cut out located in the main room right next to the projector. He could not see who or what had broken into the studio, but he could faintly hear voices. There were several, and most of them were pretty loud.

I thought Joey boarded this place up after he fled like the coward he was! Looks like I was wrong...

When the demon had first awoken after nearly dying he had transferred himself to the cut out closest to the door and had seen that it was completely boarded up from the inside. Clearly Joey had not wanted anyone to be able to get back into the studio for whatever reason. Perhaps he planned to come back at a later date, or he did not want anyone discovering...

The sound of footsteps slowly got closer, snapping Bendy out of his thoughts, and he did his best to not shift the cut out or draw attention to himself. Joey could be back, but the demon highly doubted it. The man had never been too social, even around Henry, so Bendy highly doubted he would come back with a bunch of people.

Several people (he could feel the anger rising up in him at the mere sight of them) appeared from out of the entrance hall. There were five of them, and they did not seem to be as old as Joey or Henry was, based on their blurry outlines.

As the cut out did not have proper eyes, the most Bendy could see was monochromatic and blurry, erasing most of the features that would have distinguished the intruders and leaving them as near shapeless blobs of grey.

He watched as they entered the room. They split up, two of the humans checking out the drawing table in the corner while the other three walked over toward where he was. The remnants of Bendy cringed as the humans walked closer, fear bubbling up in him and memories crowding his mind.

The pain, pain, pain, painpainpainpa-

One of the humans was looking at him.

His tortured thoughts paused as he observed the person. The other two were looking at the projector, and talking about how it could still be working (how long had he been trapped here for?), but this one was focused on him for some reason.

A squealing noise caught his attention and Bendy "looked" over at the group near the drawing table. The shorter of the two seemed to be excited about something while the taller one just watched.

What were they here for?

Whatever their purpose was, Bendy still planned to end their lives if he got the chance. Humans were nothing but murderous, cowardly, liars, they caused nothing but pain and sorrow wherever they went, and they did not deserve the right to entire the studio!

To enter Boris' grave.

Bendy did his best to ignore the grief that threatened to drown him, to consume him, and focused on something else, like his rage at the humans for daring to break into the dammed studio.

Unable to express his anger in his restrictive form, wood did not bend that well after all, Bendy remained in the cut out and continued to watch the group, stewing in his rage.

"So what's up with this creepy ass thing?" The voice snapped the demon out of his anger and he realized the two other humans had joined up with the rest of the ones in front of him. The shortest one babbled about something he did not care to hear as he focused on the new one staring at him.

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