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He had not been sure exactly when he had started existing, but he did remember the first thing he saw the moment he opened his eyes. It was a tall, thin man with graying hair and small, round glasses sitting on the edge of his nose. They looked like they were about to fall off the man's face. There was a bit of a mustache forming on his lip that was the same grey as his hair.

He was not sure how he knew what a "man" or "hair" or "glasses" was, but he knew what they meant.

"Bendy, are you okay?"

The creature jumped at the... sound? Something on top of his head twitched, nearly making him jump again. Wait... he could hear, someone was speaking to him! That was the sound of their voice!

Was it the person (what was a "person") in front of him?

"H-hello." He jumped once again at the voice. Who had spoken this time? There was no one else in the room with them! Could rooms speak?

The man in front of him smiled, eyes twinkling with joy. "It's okay Bendy, you can keep talking." Bendy?

Was that his name? Bendy? It felt... right. He was Bendy! Bendy the... the...

"Bendy the Dancing Demon." There was that voice again! His voice! It sounded a little bit high pitched but he liked it, it sounded like him! Cartoony but real!

Bendy grinned at the sudden revelation. Bendy, his name was Bendy! But where was he? He could have sworn he was just with... with...

A fuzzy image danced within his mind, but he could not tell what it was. It made him feel happy and something else. It felt warm and fuzzy and made his mouth move (was this a "smile" like the man had on his face?).

Bendy tried to stand up, as he had been sitting down when he... "woke up", but found that his legs were too weak and sat back down on the floor with a thump.

He had legs...

The demon took the chance to investigate the rest of his body while the human watched on. Shiny shoes, white gloves, bow tie, horns, and a pointed tail. It was his body! He smiled as he continued to look over his form. It was strange, he did not feel quite as... flat as he usually did.

The human shifted, catching Bendy's attention. "Well Bendy, my name is Joey Drew, and I'm responsible for creating you."

Creating... him? He was a cartoon, so Joey must have created the cartoon! Bendy smiled at his creator, happy to finally meet him.

"So Joey," It sounded so strange hearing his own voice like this! Everything felt so real! "What am I doin' here?" Speaking of here, he seemed to be in some kind of dimly lit room, and it smelled like... smoke?

Why would there be smoke here? Bendy tried to look around more, but his vision was beginning to fade! He panicked! "J-Joey, what's goin' on?! I can't see any more!" He heard Joey laugh.

"Don't worry Bendy, you're just a bit tired. I'll take you upstairs so you can rest and meet Henry." Henry? Who was Henry?

"Who's that?" He murmured, the rising levels of exhaustion making him feel significantly more tired than he had before. Joey stood up and reached down to the inky demon. He picked the creature up and held him close, like one would with a child.

It was at this moment Bendy realized how small he was. He was about the size of a small child!

"Henry is an old friend of mine, he's in charge of the animation department." Animation?

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