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No, no, no, no, no, no

It should have worked, he should be alive!

No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

Bendy whimpered as he ran up to Boris' still corpse, eyes still crossed out in death. Why did the ink not work! It had healed him just fine, so why did it not heal Boris!

The demon yelped as he tripped over a bump in the ground and landed heavily on the... grated floor?

Oh no.

The dots connected in his mind. During his first trip into this room Bendy had been so blinded by the pain of seeing Boris.... and the agony of his body melting that he had not noticed the wooden grating that replaced the floor under the table Boris was on.

The ink had been drained before it could reach the dead wolf. Boris had no chance at coming back.

Bendy had failed.

The demon wheezed, inky tears rolling down his face and falling through the grate. He wanted to break down, scream and cry, let the world hear his sorrow, but all he could do was silently cry. There had to be something he could do, there had to be!

Maybe he could restart the machine! See if he could turn it back on!

Bendy jumped up off the ground and sprinted towards the room that contained the items that powered the machine. He had to check there to make sure nothing had been moved or knocked off its stand so he could turn the machine on.

But what if that girl took...

SHUT UP, SHUT UP! No, he would not acknowledge that possibility, that chance! He would check the room, everything would be perfectly fine, and then he would turn the machine back on and Boris would be okay.

Everything was going to be fine, it had to be!

I won't be alone anymore!

And with that uplifting thought, Bendy entered the room he had been searching for. His gaze flickered from each item to the next. Yes! Everything was there, all he needed to do now-

Where was the plushie?!

No, no, no, nonononono!

"WHERE IS IT?!" Bendy screamed as he checked the room for any sign of the missing item. He looked behind the stand, checked the floors to see if it had fallen anywhere, and even ran back out into the hall to see if it had somehow been misplaced during the chaos.

But it was nowhere to be found.

The demon wheezed, inky tears rushing down his face once again as he was forced to realize the truth.

He could not save Boris, the wolf would remain dead, and it was all his fault! He failed to bring his best friend back! He failed to keep those intruders out of their home!

He was a worthless failure!

He would never hear Boris' laughter again, never see the wolfish grin that would take over his face when he and Bendy planned pranks, never listen to that beautiful clarinet ever again...

He ran.

Bendy ran, he ran from the pain consuming his heart, from the sorrow that threatened to drown him, and he ran from Boris' crossed out eyes that followed him wherever he went.

Tears obscured his gaze as the demon ran, sprinting down hallways, dodging debris, and doing his best to silence the voices in his head that screamed it's all your fault it's your fault he's dead if you were a better friend he'd still be alive-

Or he did until he tripped.

Bendy yelped as he tripped over something and slammed into the ground. His body ached from the impact, but it was nothing compared to the pain in his soul. He shuddered as he slowly picked himself up and turned around, blurry gaze trying to find whatever he had tripped over.

Something shiny was resting on the wooden floor. The demon crawled over, tears still dripping out of his eyes, and stopped when he was in front of the item.

It was clearly made of metal and there was some kind of clasp on it. He hesitantly picked it up and turned it over. It was Boris. Bendy nearly dropped the item in shock. He quickly wiped the tears from his eyes and looked closer.

It was a pin that had both his and Boris' faces on it. They were both smiling.


He broke down.

Pained, broken sobs escaped the demon as he clutched the pin to his chest like a lifeline. His whole body shook, as if it would break apart from the force of his crying.

"I'm sorry." Bendy whispered. "I'm so, so, sorry."

Alone in the dark of the studio, surrounded by ruined memories, broken dreams, and the corpse of his best friend, Bendy cried.

I'm sorry...

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