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Chapter 1:Blissful appearance

Beauty what's the true meaning of it. Well it depends on how you look at it people have different perspectives when it comes down to it, everyone makes different choices in life. To me beauty is curly hair, hazel eyes, soft light skin, a smile that could light up the world, a voice that is so pure and innocent and a body that was jaw dropping and perfect.

She was perfect in every way possible there were no faults to her, no imperfections. Try to think about the most beautiful thing you've ever seen in your life. Now imagine it thousands of times more beautiful than when you first saw it. That's how beautiful she is I say this because in reality there are no amount of words to describe her you can say hundreds of them and it still wouldn't be enough for this girl.

Her name is Lisa she is my first love this is the story about her, the girl who started off by just being my small time crush but ended up being the girl who I would give up my life for, there isn't anything that I wouldn't do for her and to this day I'm grateful she chose me to be a part of her life when she could have had anyone she wanted.

"Hey Zach what you doing."

"Just playing outside my parents said to go out so here I am."

"Haha wow Zach you actually brought your TV and all your games out here you're crazy."

"Lisa it's called improvising and is it a bad thing that I am?"

"I don't care what you call it I call it crazzz eeeee and nope not at all in fact I like it, you mind if I play?"

"You play?"

"Well no but you're here to teach me right."

"Haha right I'll get a controller."

"Ok I'll wait here."

It started off as a normal friendship we played video games talked had some laughs here and there and just hung out, Lisa came to my house one day and we started playing games together I had to admit she was a a natural when it came to killing zombies, she on the other did not think the same thing.

"Aww man only round 10 phooey"

"We did pretty good Lisa round 10 is still good, nice job you know for this being your first time you did pretty good."

"Nooo you had to revive me so many times I suck."

"Well yeah I mean you are still kinda of a noob so it's ok haha."

"Wow you butt thanks a lot"

"Haha I was kidding come on let's go play outside for real."

"Ok then what do you wanna do?"

"Umm idk."

"How about you?"

"Ummmmmmm idk haha"

"Hahaha ok well here catch."

"Hey Zach let's play dodgeball!"

"Sounds good we need more people though."

"Ok let's call them outside so we can play."

"Alright Lisa let's do it."

So we played dodgeball that afternoon we had a group of people to play with and among that group was a guy named jack. Although I never had a problem with jack he did aggravate me by the way he looked, acted and talked to Lisa. Never in my life did I think I was a jealous person Lisa was not my girlfriend but I was jealous when her and jack would hang talk and laugh with each other. I wouldn't understand why I felt that way she had the right to talk to whoever she wanted but the feelings didn't change jealousy took over whenever I saw them hanging out.

Then one night Lisa and I were alone in my porch and she asked me one question that would change our lives forever.

"Hey Zach."

"Yeah Lisa what is it?"

"Umm do you like anyone in our apartment complex?"

My heart started racing I didn't know what to say should I tell her how I feel is this my chance? will I get another? what if she doesn't feel the same way. A million questions raced through my mind but I told myself that it was now or never.

"Um yeah Lisa I do like someone here."

"Really who?"

"Umm I like you Lisa."

"Haha what? Nahhh no you don't you liar tell me who you really like?."

"I'm serious I like you."

"Hahaha dude stop really tell me."

"I am I'm telling you I like you."

"Nnoo Zach you're lying I don't believe you!"

"I'm being honest Lisa I've like you for quite a while now."

"What you're serious but why?"

"Lisa I'm going to be honest you're the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on I've like you for so long now but I was afraid that you would reject me and not feel the same way, I was to nervous to talk to you."

"Aww that's very sweet of you and I would never do that I don't bite you know you could have told me haha I wouldn't reject you come let's go to my back porch we can be alone there.

"Umm ok let's go Lisa"

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