The meaning of joy

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I looked deep into Lisa's eyes for a moment then I kissed her on her forehead and pulled her into a tight hug. It was such a nice feeling as she too hugged me back just as tight.

"Hey Zach I've never done that before."

"You've never kissed a boy before?"

"No you're my first kiss Zach."

She hugged me even tighter when she said that.

"I'm glad I am Lisa."

"So am I Zach I really liked it."

I pulled her out of the hug and then looked at her again and gently hit her nose with mine. We smiled as we started rubbing the tips of our noses against one another.

Then a loud "thump" startled us. Someone had gone inside Lisa's house, we decided to gave each other one last hug.

"Bye Zach I'll see you tomorrow"

"Bye Lisa"

I hugged her tightly and then I left, I ran back to my house literally jumping from joy, I couldn't sleep at all that night and neither could Lisa we were up messaging each other talking about how we were now going out and how we're boyfriend and girlfriend and all the stuff we wanted to do together, we got to know each other a lot better.

I kept telling her how I always liked her and I thought that she was cute from the moment I first saw her, she said she had also liked me something I still couldn't believe.

We both liked each other this whole time but we were afraid of saying anything to each other. We talked about lots of things and while I was messaging her I was smiling the whole time. We both got sleepy and finally said goodnight and I got some rest.

I woke up to a good morning message on my phone from Lisa, no matter how late we went to sleep she was always woke up before me I don't know how she did it. I said good morning back and we then messaged the whole day until the evening when we went outside.

I saw her hanging out with her friends she was walking around the complex and wow did she look beautiful. We didn't really look at each other we were both nervous and we didn't want to give our secret away I didn't care if people found out we were going out but they would probably think bad about us. Since Lisa was younger than me at the time she was 14 and I was 19 it was a 5 year difference so we decided to keep it a secret.

When we did look at each other we both smiled at each other and said hi but that was it, we then started to hangout a lot more than usual. I would bring out my video games and play outside in my porch and Lisa would come over and watch me play or would play with me.

At first it was a bit awkward between us, we would barely say a word to each other which was funny because when we messaged each other we write entire paragraphs. But in person we got kind of nervous around each other. I won't forget the time when we were both alone and we see watching a video about phones breaking but her phone wouldn't load and then I go and do and say the dumbest thing anyone can possibly do.

"Hey umm can I see your hand."

"What umm yeah sure Zach."

"Ok umm here."

I asked Lisa for her hand I felt so embarrassed what kind of question is that I felt so stupid but I didn't let that get to me soI laced my fingers in between hers and we held hands for a while. I'm pretty sure people knew what we were doing it we weren't exactly hiding it. We stayed like that for a while just playing games on our phones an watching videos we didn't talk much at first. Before I realized it, it was night time and almost time for us to go in.

But before we did we saw some snails and slugs coming out of the plants next to us it seemed as though they came out of nowhere we started watching them as they slowly moved. And then I touched one i was playing with it's antennas and Lisa started giggling I smiled at her.

One of them was heading of course so picked it up and placed it on a dirt patch. And Lisa started letting one of the slugs I thought it was the cutest thing and it was funny how she pet it, she started off slow and gentle and then a bit harder when she ran her finger over it the slugs sides would expand we were both laughing. We then let it go and all the other ones started to disappear into the plants.

"Haha that was pretty funny the way you pet that snail."

Haha wow I wasn't petting it I was giving him a massage."

"Oh sure Lisa if that's what you wanna call it."

"Well I was Zach and yes it was a massage."

"Haha ok then I still thought it was funny."

"I'm glad you got a good laugh from it you boob making fun of how I pet snails."

"I thought you said it was a massage?"

"Oh right haha."

"Haha wow you're cute."

"Only when I'm with you."

"Aww that's sweet but you always look cute."

"I don't think so Zach I don't think I'm cute."

"Why would you say that of course you are."

"Idk that's sweet of you to say but I just don't know."

"Lisa you are it's unbelievable how cute and beautiful you are."

"Aww thanks Zach you're so sweet."

I smiled back at her I wanted to kiss her so bad but there were to many people around they would surely see it. So we just sat there quietly for a couple more minutes.

It was pretty late now and we decided to go in calling it a night. We messaged some more that night and then we went to sleep. This time it was me who woke up first and I sent Lisa a goodmorning message I told her I couldn't stop thinking about her and she told me the same thing. Being with Lisa made me realize the true meaning of joy I she made me so happy.

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