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"Guys, dinner!" Elijah, Kol's older brother calls from down the stairs. Caroline turns to Kol, placing down The Great Gatsby, giving him a small smile.

"Oh come on, it won't be that bad," she says when Kol scowls.

"For once, I'd rather be reading than having to sit through a dinner with my entire family. This is going to be a nightmare, especially because Klaus is probably pissed at my parents still for making him go to my aunt's house."

She stands up from his bed, running a hand through her slightly tangled hair, offering him a hand to stand up with. Kol reluctantly takes it, and she helps him up, practically pulling him out the door and down the stairs.

"This is complete and utter bullsh-"

"Dinner smells fantastic," Caroline cuts him off, jabbing his side, causing him to flinch. He sighs and ends up taking a seat next to her at the dinner table.

His mother smiles at Caroline, "how is the summer work going then, you two?"

Kol is quick to answer, "it's dumb," earning a roll of the eyes from Caroline and his mother.

"Kol's just being dramatic. The book isn't bad at all, actually. Plus, we get to enjoy seeing Leonardo DiCaprio when we watch the movie in class the first week back, so I'm not complaining," Caroline grins at the thought, taking a sip of the sparkling water that Amelia begins to hand out in fancy glasses.

"So you're telling me you only like the book because you get to see some random actor that you fancy shirtless? God, does anyone even appreciate classic literature anymore?" Klaus's rather rough voice snaps from the other room, only getting louder as he enters the dining room, taking a seat opposite Caroline.

"Nice of you to join us, Klaus," his mother sends a small glare for his previous remark towards her to which he simply smirks at. Caroline finds herself blushing a crimson shade of red, unable to reply. Something about Klaus is so intimidating and rather rude. She guesses Kol wasn't joking after all about his older brother; he is quite the asshole.

"Well it is my first day back, isn't it? Wouldn't want to miss the old family dinner now would I? I sure have a lot to discuss," Klaus replies, his smile now growing dark and menacing.

"Not now, Klaus," Elijah chimes in, sitting down next to Klaus. Rebekah and Freya, Klaus's sisters, take seats at the head of the table.

Klaus only rolls his eyes, "I'm just having my fun, brother. After all, my own parents sent me off for the summer to simply get rid of me. Don't I deserve a little fun?"

His tone sends chills down Caroline's spine, and by the way Kol tenses up, she can tell it does for him too.

Elijah is quick to reply, "not tonight, brother. We have company."

All eyes land on Caroline and she clenches her jaw even harder, giving a small but hesitant smile, hoping to cause all the tension in the room to fade. However, the awkwardness only rises.

Caroline can tell Elijah knows how to deal with Klaus, probably from previous experience of being the older brother. He's not afraid of him or his rude remarks, and she finds herself admiring him for that.

"Oh right, wouldn't want to upset Kol's little fuck buddy here, would I?" he chuckles and Caroline nearly spits out the sparkling water she had just taken a sip of.

Their mother's face goes red, first with surprise, then with anger.

"Niklaus Mikaelson! You will not speak that way!" her tone rises, pressing a hand against the table to stop herself from getting angrier. It's the first time she's heard Klaus's full name. All other times Kol refers to him as just Klaus.

"We're just friends, Klaus!" Kol argues, his fist clenched.

"Klaus, will you stop acting like a child for once?" Freya, being the eldest and arguably the most responsible of the siblings, states.

He only smiles more at this, "just stating what we've all been thinking, sister."

"Well maybe you shouldn't," Rebekah sharply adds, rolling her eyes at his childish reply.

No one says anything for awhile, even when Amelia brings out dinner which is simply delicious.

Kol finally speaks up when everyone finishes, "Caroline and I will be up in my room."

His mother nods, sending Caroline a small but apologetic smile.

"You two have fun up there," Klaus growls quietly, but just loud enough so everyone can still hear him, dimples on full display with a sadistic smirk plastered on his face.

Caroline doesn't exactly know what comes over her when she replies back, "would you get over yourself? We're just friends, asshole. Maybe you'd know that concept if you were actually a decent human being and had any."

She's quick to storm off, leaving the dining room silent in awe of what she just said. It isn't until Kol enters his room, completely shocked, when Caroline processes what she just said.

"Oh my God."

Kol doubles over in laughter, falling onto his bed, "that was priceless!"

"Kol! I just told Klaus he has no friends! He's going to murder me! Oh my god!" she repeats, this time covering her flushed face with her hands.

"No one ever gives it back to him, Care! That was amazing! You should have seen his face! I've never seen my brother's smile drop so quickly."

She groans into a pillow, shaking her head, "I'm so dead."

"Don't worry, he'll get over it eventually. He'll probably forget about it by the time school starts up, anyways," Kol assures her, but she can't help the overwhelming fear settle in. What if the rumors about him are true? What if he really is dangerous? What if he's mad at her?

"Let's just get back to reading, okay?" Caroline asks, sighing as Kol tries and fails at holding in his giggles, earning a slap on the shoulder which only results in more laughter.

• • •

A few more updates coming quicker than normal just for you guys! :)

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Best Friend's Brother // Klaroline High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now