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Caroline yawns, turning over in the rather comfortable position she's in. Her eyes flutter open, revealing Kol's room before her.

"Kol?" she asks tiredly, rubbing her eyes while looking to the right of her, studying a sleeping Kol beside her, still in his ripped black jeans and blue hoodie.

"Hm?" he replies back, just opening his eyes.

The moon is still out, the sun barely peeking through the window.

"Owe," Caroline groans, rubbing at her head. She cheeks the time, reading 5 am.

"What's the matter?" Kol sits up, now groaning himself.

"Never mind," he says, rubbing at his own head from the hangover.

"Thanks for letting me stay the night by the way, and for carrying me in here and not leaving me passed out on the couch," Caroline stands up.

Kol arches his eyebrows in confusion, "I didn't carry you in here."


"I came in here and saw you asleep on my bed."

"Oh... never mind then. I'm gonna get some Advil, want any?" she asks sleepily.

Kol nods, already laying back down as Caroline exits the room. She tip toes downstairs, careful as to not wake up the many sleeping bodies sprawled out on couches and the living room floor.

Caroline grabs two cups, filling them with water and grabbing four Advil tablets, turning around to be faced with Klaus. She jumps, his presence startling her.

"Couldn't sleep," he mumbles tiredly, already answering her question as to why he is up so early.

"Oh... sorry," she says in a whisper, popping the two Advil tablets into her mouth and swallowing them smoothly with a sip of water.

"How do you feel?"

"Kinda like shit. I've been worse though," she rubs her head, emphasizing the pain of the headache.

"Hey, I'm sorry... about before," Klaus speaks up finally.

"If it makes you feel better, I only remember bits of what happened."

"So I suppose you don't remember the part where you slammed the door in my face and said we should no longer be friends?" Klaus asks, his tone in almost a joking manner.

Caroline frowns, "I did? I sort of remember the fight and you and Tyler- oh my god."

"What?" Klaus asks her, worried by the change in her voice.

"N-nothing, I just... I should go back to bed. I'm really tired. Forget about the fight, okay? I was drunk and acted stupid, it doesn't matter."

Klaus smiles at this, "okay. I'll see you in the morning. Good night, Caroline."

"Night, Klaus," she smiles sleepily before walking out of the kitchen, pausing by the door before she leaves.

"Hey, Klaus?"

"Hm?" his head tilts upwards, the small peaks of sunlight shining on his face and bringing out his chiseled jawline.

"Did you carry me into Kol's bedroom?"

He pauses for a moment, and Caroline catches the tiniest bit of blush tint his cheeks before he answers.

"Yeah, I didn't think you'd want to sleep out here," he shrugs as if it were a simple gesture to do for someone.

Caroline can't hide her smile as she says "Night, Klaus," and heads back upstairs.

• • •

What do you guys think of the chapter? What about Klaus carrying her into Kol's room even after their fight? :)

Have a good week!

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Best Friend's Brother // Klaroline High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now