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"Next question," Caroline tells Klaus, waiting for him to ask her something. It feels as though time is flying by, when really it's only been fifteen minutes.

"Okay, I have one. Who is your biggest role model?" Klaus smiles, looking her in the eyes.

She thinks for a minute before smiling fondly, "I guess my dad is."

Klaus can't help but to notice the hint of sadness to her voice, but doesn't comment on it.

"Why is that?"

"He's always been so strong, especially when he got sick. I think that even though he was physically weak, his mentality never changed. He always made jokes about his cancer and cooked breakfast every morning for my mom and I and read me books- he's who I aspire to be," Caroline smiles, looking down at her hands which are placed in her lap.

Klaus frowns, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"No, it's fine, really. He died a long time ago," she shrugs, trying to make him feel better.

"If you don't mind me asking, when did he pass?"

"I was around twelve at the time. My thirteenth birthday was in two weeks when it happened, I remember. I mean, my mom warned me he was getting progressively worse and told me she didn't think he'd make it, so it wasn't sudden or anything. I got to talk to him the day he died. I swear, I remember it word for word."

"I'm sorry, Caroline," Klaus tells her, and she feels his touch when his hand gently squeezes her own before letting go.

"Thanks, Klaus."

The silence fills the room, engulfing the two of them before Caroline cuts it with her words.

"Time for my question," she smirks.

"Okay, shoot."

"Why do you not get along with Kol? He told me you once got along when you were younger but something changed. You hung out with the wrong crowd?" she asks, knowing she hit a nerve when Klaus's smile disappears from his face.

"He told you that, huh?"

"I'm not saying that's the true story. That's why I'm asking you," she reminds him, calming his sudden burst of anger slightly.

"It's not my fault, really. I used to love Kol, once upon a time. He was my favorite of my siblings. He was funny, easy to talk to- and then he changed, not me. He started sucking up to my parents, ratting me out when I would sneak out at night to hang out with my friends. He bosses me around as if he's the older one. I don't know, I guess I got sick of it and just stopped talking to him one day."

"That's bullshit and you know it," Caroline snaps suddenly, making Klaus sit up.

"Excuse me?"

"Klaus, you started flunking all of your classes sophomore year on purpose. You hung out with a bunch of low life's. You started ignoring Kol and the rest of your family for the matter, and you started being really mean. This isn't Kol's fault," she argues.

"I find it fascinating how small minded you are, Forbes."

She scoffs, "what?"

"You really just believe everything Kol tells you, don't you? I was wrong about you, Caroline Forbes," he shakes his head in disbelief.

"Wring about what? About the fact I'm right? That you still won't admit how rude you've become to everyone around you? You constantly argue with your whole family! You act like you're the only person on this planet, Klaus!"

"You should be an actress, actually. Now that I think about it, you're really amazing at being fake as if you're on screen, just like everyone else," he snaps and she goes silent.

Suddenly, she collects her stuff, throwing it into her bag with a huff.

"What are you doing now?" he asks impatiently.

"I'm going home, Klaus," she answers way too calmly as she slings her bag over her shoulder.

Klaus stands to try to stop her, "you can't, we haven't finished the assignment."

"You think I care, Klaus? I just opened up to you despite everything you've done! I told you about my dad, Klaus! I don't talk to people about him, okay? And you just sit here arguing with me because you don't like that I'm right? Screw you," she says, her eyes watery from the thought of her father.

"I didn't mean to-"

"Just leave it, Klaus. I'll text you the rest of the assignment later," and before Klaus has a chance to reply, she's already out the door.

• • •

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