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Monday morning is dreadful. Klaus and Caroline continue to not talk to each other, or even make eye contact, all throughout science.

"Care, you good?" Bonnie asks from across the lunch table, bringing all eyes on her.

"Fine," she states unconvincingly, staring off into the distance as her mind races.

"You haven't touched your food," Matt points out, looking down in concern.

Caroline looks at the Apple and sandwich sitting in front of her, shrugging, "I'm not hungry."

"Caroline Forbes, what's wrong?" Elena pesters, eyeing her down.

She rolls her eyes, "guys, it's nothing. Really. You wouldn't get it."

The truth is, she doesn't want to tell them about Klaus because in doing that, she has to tell them about their conversation- the way she connected with him, oddly more than she ever has with anyone else. She felt as though she could tell him anything. Who would have thought Klaus of all people?

"I'm fucking tired," Kol chimes in, taking a seat with his food tray, practically falling onto Caroline's shoulder.

"Hello to you too Kol," Caroline giggles, glad that he unknowingly changed the subject. Truth be told, she doesn't like being the center of attention.

"Sorry, I'm just so sick of staying up late doing all this homework they're giving out. I end up getting about three hours of sleep a night," he groans, his eyes closed as Caroline lets him rest his head on her.

"Kol, you texted me last night saying you were playing video games again," Bonnie narrows her eyes at him, causing him to smirk.

"Okay so maybe I was, but still! I spent hours on my homework."

"Kol! You have to stop staying up so late. It's unhealthy, and to be honest, it's making you irritable," Elena argues, gently hitting his shoulder.

He shrugs, "sleep is for the weak, my friends."

"She's right," Caroline abruptly tells him, all eyes shooting to her.

He eyes her, "fine. I promise you all I will try to get to bed at a decent hour tonight, okay? Does that make you happy?"

"Very," Caroline smiles and he gently bumps her shoulder, the others watching with fond smiles.

The moment ends, however, when Caroline catches Klaus's eyes on her as he takes a seat with his friends across the lunchroom. His gaze is intense, as if trying to read her mind. She glares at him, focusing on her food instead, suddenly hungry.

She takes a bite out of her sandwich, aggressively chewing the bread in her mouth, her teeth clenching as she thinks about Klaus and her's argument.

"I'm gonna use the bathroom," Caroline says abruptly, her eyes watching as Klaus suddenly stands up, making their way to her table.

She quickly scurries out of the lunch room, Klaus's pace quickening as he attempts to catch up to her. Before she can reach the bathroom, he grabs her wrist, gently tugging her back.

"What the hell?" Caroline asks, annoyed.

"Just give me one minute, please."

"More like thirty seconds," she snaps, and he starts.

"I'm sorry for everything. I was an asshole to you from the start. I just want to start over, you know? A fresh clean slate for the both of us," he practically pleads, and Caroline can't help herself.

"Fine, but if you mess up one more time, that's it," she points a finger at his chest, hating to admit that the dorky smile he gives her can't help but to make her laugh.

"Friends?" he smiles, looking down at her.

"Acquaintances," she corrects him playfully, hitting his shoulder as the two walk back into the lunch room.

• • •

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Best Friend's Brother // Klaroline High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now