Chapter 8

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*Kieran's POV*
I lay in bed, watching Aspen sleep in my arms. Her lips are slightly parted and I fight the urge to kiss her.

She shifts in her sleep, rubbing against my groin and I curse silently. I slip out of bed, careful to not wake her, and go to the bathroom. A cold shower is MOST DEFINITELY needed.

I run my fingers through my hair. Damn, that girl has no idea what she can do to a man, I think to myself.

I undress and step into the shower. As I am rinsing my hair, I hear the bathroom door creak open.

"Aspen?" I call out.

A muffled 'mhmm' is my reply as I hear the toilet lid clink shut.

I finish rinsing my hair and grab the towel I laid on the bar next to the shower.

I dry my hair quickly and wrap the towel around my waist, stepping out of the shower.

Aspen sits on the toilet, legs crossed, scrolling through her phone. I kiss her forehead and walk over to the sink to brush my teeth.

I watch Aspen through the mirror, smiling mentally as I begin to brush my teeth. I spit out the toothpaste and rinse my brush. As I look at Aspen, she looks up and meets my gaze in the mirror.

She smiles and I set my toothbrush in the holder. I turn around and smirk at Aspen. "Like what you see, Azzy?" I manage to say, cockily.

I step closer to her as she bites her lip, making my hormones go insane, and nods.

Aspen gets off the toilet lid and kisses my nose. "Now out!" She laughs and I give her my best puppy-dog eyes.

"But Azzzzy..." I draw out her nickname. She rolls her eyes.

"I gotta shower, too, Ren." She shoos me out the door and I pout, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Fiiiine," I step out of the bathroom and she quickly closes the door. "Don't take too long!" I shout.

I go to my dresser and pull out a white tee shirt and a pair of jeans. I get changed and go check on the girl's.

"Viv, Elsa. Time to get up!" I hear their quite whines and protests, but soon they get out of bed.

As they get dressed, I head to the kitchen to make breakfast for my girls.

I can hear Aspen singing in the shower and the girls playing in their room.

As I'm flipping the pancakes, I hear a knock on the door.

"One minute!" I call as the girls run out their room.

"Can I answer the door, Key?" Elsa asks me with big eyes. I shake my head.

"One second, El." I set the spatula down and the three of us open the door, Viv hiding halfway behind me.

Memories flood my mind.

Hugs and kisses goodnight.

Holding hands and playing in the park.

Coming into the room and meeting the girls.

Singing as the vacuum is running.


Hands grabbing me. Pulling me.

A gunshot. And another.


The bloody aftermath.

A shell of the woman I'd once known and loved. But can I even say I love her?

She left us to believe she was dead, leaving us for seven years with our abusive father.

I stare at her.

I hear the bathroom door open and Aspen walks in, just a towel wrapped around her body, and a towel in her hair.

"Who's at the door, Ren?" She walks behind me, trying to peer over my shoulder.

"Kieran..." Her voice is hoarse. Nothing like the cheerful, sing-song I remember.

"Aspen, go get dressed. Please. Seems like I've to introduce the girls to our mother." I feel Viv move further behind me and I hear Aspen walk away. The door to my bedroom shuts and Elsa let's out a small whimper.

"Key...I want Asp." Elsa looks up at me, pleading and scared. I don't blame her. I nod and she runs off to my room as well.

Viv holds on to my shirt tightly.

"Can I come in, Kieran?" I look down on the woman I had once called Mom.

I give a terse nod and open the door a little more.

She steps into the apartment and looks around. It's a decent size, two bedroom, two bathroom, a little kitchen and a living room. Not much, but our new home.

"Where's your father?" I answer her question with a sharp glare. "Okay.." She moves to sit on the couch. I watch her movements carefully, not trusting her.

She looks at me. "Seems I've got some explaining to do."

"You think!" I can't help but tell as anger overcomes me. I feel Viv tense up. I pick her up. "Sorry, Viv. You wanna meet your mom?" She shakes her head, scared. "Wanna go with Elsa and Aspen?" She nods and I put her down.

Quickly she gives me a hug. "I love you, Key." She whispers and runs off.

I sit on a chair across from my mother.

"Kieran. I'm so sorry I left you all. Can you please forgive me?"

I laugh. "No. Do you have any clue what we went through after you 'died'? Do you have any idea what I went through? Our father beat me, daily. Some days worse than others. Our father raped Vivian. While Elsa watched helpless! You left us, leading us to believe you are dead, then expect us to let you back into our lives? The girls don't even know you! You aren't going to be allowed to come into our lives whenever you want!"

I hear the bedroom door open. I ignore it and turn back towards my mother.

"Kieran, that's not it. I had to leave y-" She attempts.

"You had to?" I spit at her, venom in my voice. "Do you not care? Do you not understand what you put us through by leaving?" I glare at her. "Get out of my house. We don't need you."

I feel hands on my shoulder and I look behind me.

Aspen looks down at me and back up at my mother. "Please stay. I'm sure that Kieran would like to listen to your story."

I look at Aspen and frown as she comes to sit in my lap.

As my mother starts to talk, I play with Aspen's hair. I mumble into her hair. "Why'd you do that, Azzy?"

She shushes me and nods at something my mother said. I rub her sides suggestively. "Azzy, don't ignore me." I kiss her neck.

Aspen slaps my hands away and shoots me a playful glare. My mother stops talking and looks at me.

"I want to see Vivian and Elsa. Please." Her eyes flick towards Aspen.

"They don't want-" Aspen interrupts me.

"Of course. We will go get them." Aspen stands up, not turning around. I know for sure she can feel me shooting daggers at her back.

As soon as we are out of my mother's sight, I grab Aspen's wrist. "Aspen, stop."

Aspen looks at me. "I'm sorry, Ren, but you weren't giving her a chance." She looks at me with her big, blue eyes. I look down, breaking contact with her.

"Aspen, do you not get it?" I look at my feet and run my fingers through my hair. "She lied to us." I look up to her and kiss her lips softly.

"And now she gets to pay." I add.

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