Better Days

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Rico POV

Simone called me in time. She said Tayja fainted so I hopped in my car and went too Tajya house so I could bring her too the hospital.

The doctor said something act vaginal tearing and she lost the baby. When she said something about baby my blood started to boil. Her daddy a sick fuck.

They brought in police officers to talk too Tayja but she wouldn't tell them anything. They came in because the doctor reported it as rape.

Her ass not going back home, I don't care what she say.


"How you feelin'?" I asked

She nodded, "Im fine" she said dryly

"I know what your dad does too you, but damn getting your pregnant?" I said, "Your not going back home."

She sat up a little in the bed.

"I have too, I already told you I don't want you in my bullshit" she spoke.

"I'm a thug, I am the one who creates the 'bullshit'" I said using air quotes making Tayja laugh.

"Are you sure?" Tayja asked, "If they come looking for me you have to answer too them"

I laughed because she said answer to them. Shit, answer too who? I'm grown, I don't answer to nobody.

"Girl I am grown" I said trying to attempt to talk like a girl making Tayja die of laughter.

"You don't need to do that" Tayja said.

"Do what?" I asked

"That voice, you sounded terrible"

We both laughed. Then her doctor walked in the room.

"Hello Tayja" Ms. Jordan spoke

"Hey" Tayja spoke back.

"I have some good news" Ms Jordan said, "You'll be able too leave today"

"That's a relief" Tayja enthused

"I'll get your paperwork ready so you can be released" Ms. Jordan smiled.

Tayja nodded and then Ms. Jordan left the room.

"When you wanna get your clothes?" I asked Tayja

"We can go after we leave here, I guess" she answered nervously.

"Don't worry about them, I got ya back" I assured her.

She nodded.

We started watching tv and some movie called The Choking Game played on Lifetime. Shit was crazy, they choking themselves like they're getting high. I don't under.

Just as the movie went off Tayja's nurse came back in the room.

"Well Miss Tayja, are you ready too leave?" Ms. Jordan asked.

"As I'll ever be"

Tayja signed the papers in all the places and gave the papers back too Ms. Jordan.

"No having sex, not at least for three weeks" Ms. Jordan told Tayja.

"Trust me I wont." Tayja told Ms. Jordan. She nodded then walked out.

"Get dressed so we can go" I told Tayja

She nodded and went too the bathroom.

Tayja POV

I walked in the bathroom and slipped on my tank top and shorts. I would've put on shoes but when Simone and Rico brought me I didn't have on shoes.

I walked back into the room.

"I'm ready" I told Rico

He nodded and we walked out of the hospital.


We pulled up at my parent house about 30 minutes later.

"Dang, my daddy home" I said starting to panic.

"Calm down" Rico said calming me down

I breathed, and tried too calm down.

"I'll be back" I told Rico

"If you aren't back in 5 minutes I'm coming to get you" he said

I nodded and got out the car.

I walked into my house slowly and their was my father on the couch.

"Where the fuck you been?" my father asked in a harsh tone.

"At the hospital" I answered simply

"Your ass pregnant again?"

"No daddy, I was but you made me lose it"

"Well that's good" he spat

I went upstairs and threw all my clothes into a bag with my hygiene products and went back downstairs.

"Where the fuck you think you goin?" my father huffed

"I'm not staying here anymore."

"Go head and leave, your stupid ass will be back"

"Fuck you" I said before walking out the house.

I got back inside Rico's car.

"You okay?" he asked putting his phone down

"Yea" I said nodding.

He grabbed my hand and then we went back to hi

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2014 ⏰

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