chapter 9

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We all talked for a while and watched more movies. I called my mum and told her that I won't be home for a couple days, cause Niall and the other boys boys wanted all of us to stay over a couple days. We all went home to get some stuff. after packing my stuff I went to go pick up the other girls. I decided to get Kayla first, cause her house is closest and she never packs that much.  me, on the other hand, I am nothing like that. I always make sure I look good, pack more stuff then Kayla and... I'm also not very smart... my hair is the best part of me though... at least I think... I'm quite skinny. I really like N- (honk!) I turned around to realize that I was still at a green light and not moving. I started to drive to Mackenna's house.

~after Cece picked everyone up from there house~

We arived back at Niall's house and we all got out of my red car grabbed our bags and walked up to the front door. (ding dong!) it took about 30 seconds for Harry to answer. "Hey" He said. Hiiiiiii!" we all yelled. He moved out of the way for us to walk in. Aperintly, he didn't know us. cause he was expecting us to walk. but noooo Harrold... (I learned that from my friends from watching a video diary with them and Louis or someone called him Harold.) We all ran in pileing our bags in a corner and running and jumping on some of the boys backs. (Me on Niall's back, Maknnea on Zayn, Kayla on Louis, and Makenzie on Liam.) 

We watched a few more movies until midnight. "I'm hungry." Niall whined. "Of course you are." we all said in unison. "Hey." He whined. We all laughed and I got uo to get him food. I got him some lucky charms cereal. I brought the cereal to him after taking a bite my self. "Hey." He whined. "What?" I said with a mouthfull of lucky charms. so it came out as wha. "I saw  that." He whined again. I swallowed. "Oh, come on Niall. it was a bite." I 'told him. I took another bite as he whined. "these are some good lucky charms." I said. Everyone laughed as I walked to the couch to sit down. Niall sat beside me eating his cereal. whenever he wasn't looking, I would steal a marshmellow.

Once Niall finished: "Thanks for the marshmellows you sweet little lepreachaun" I told him pinching his cheeks like what my grandma would do to me when I was yougner. He fowned at me like he was upset. I kissed his cheek but he turned his head at the wrong time, so I kissed his lips... awkward... once I pulled away, I looked down, I felt 8 pairs of eyes on Niall and I... "umm, we will just leave you guys alone." Liam, the mature one, said. they all walked upstairs leaving us... alone... I got up to leave, but Niall pulled me down on his lap... I turned towards him and we stared in each others eyes....

3 minuts later... 

I looked away so that we weren't staring at each other. "Whats wrong?" Niall asked me. "N-Nothing." I told him. He took my chin with one of his fingers so that I was facing him again. "There is obviously something wrong. tell me, please." Niall said in a soft voice. "The thing is, I really like you, but I'm affraid to be asked out by you." I told him truthfully. "Why?" He asked in the same tone. "Because of something that happened in the past, but I don't want to talk about it." I answered. "Okay, I won't make you tell me, but, I want you to be mine." Niall said. "YES!" I herd someone whisper/yell from upstairs. I giggled knowing it was Louis and Kayla and Louis. "Niall, I want to be you'rs, and I want to be in your arms, its just, I'm scared of what's happened in my past, I've moved around alot, I used to live in Canada, America, Well, I was born in Canada, but yeah, now I'm trying England. I'm scared that if, something wrong happens between us, my ex boyfriend might find out over the news and come find me, or if, we get together and on an interview, You tell them about me and he comes and finds me. I'm scared he will find me and then I will have to move. I don't wanna leave you, all my friends, the other guys, you guys are like my family." I told him now crying. He pulled me into a tight hug and I wraped my hands around his neck as he put his around my waist. We sat there for about 2 minutes. We both pulled away from the hug looking into eachothers eyes. We both started to lean in... "Hey gu- oh, I'm ruining this moment..." Louis said coming down the stairs. Liam came down and took Louis back upstairs. "SORRY!" We herd Louis yell from upstairs. We both burst out laughing. after a little while of laughing, We finaly stopped, I put my head on his chest as he stroked my hair. "Sorry about that interuption." Niall said. I shrugged not wanting to speak. He laid down on the couch pulling me down with him. I was awake for a little while, but, I finally fell asleep in his arms.


A/N: Sorry, but I didn't get up late, I just got my laptopo out at about 12:30 in the afternoon. soo, yeah. I decided to update! I hope you like it. now, Cece and Niall, Niece? I dunno, but if you have an idea, you can comment it! byeee!

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