Just extra junk I'm dumping on you guys since I'm done with this book thingy

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Well, that concludes it. All my teenagery research and obsession on Harry Potter dumped into one sad little book. Kind of bitter sweet, huh?

You're probably not even reading this page.

On a more serious note, I have an honest to God question for you chippers out there if you'd be interested in hearing it. You see, it's fairly obvious I know enough about Harry Potter, right? And an idea for a FanFiction has been bouncing around in the head for many-a-years now. My only question for you guys is: If I were to write a FanFiction about Harry Potter, would you read it? I'm not forcing you to make an Unbreakable Vow over it, or anything, but I am genuinely curious if anyone would be interested in reading what I have to write. Feel free to leave a comment on it.

I cannot believe how many people have taken the time to read my cruddy work. It's absolutely mind boggling. Thank you so much to everyone who read, commented, and voted on this hunk of junk. It actually means the world to me. Hugs and kisses to all of you dashing witches and wizards out there!

I love being asked questions. Honestly. It's not because I love talking about myself - because I don't. My life is a tale of woe and chemicals and high school drama - but it's because I love curiosity. I love being asked things and asking things in return. If you ever want to have a conversation, let me now. It gets REALLY lonely on chemo days. Please. I'm getting kind of desperate.

I think that's it. Yup. Nothing more to say. Thank you once again, and an extra thank you if you've stuck around to read to this part. You deserve a gold star.

Hopefully I'll put something else out there for people to view. I dunno. I'm kinda sleepy at the moment.

Thank you.


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