Chapter 8

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Day Date?

Dipper's POV

A couple days passed since the..' Incident'. Yeah let's call it that. We can't repair the wall anytime soon considering our funds and well, We're too lazy to even do anything, so we just put a drape over it. It works, except for the fact Kill keeps trying to sneak into the same bed as Mason, All he gets out of that is a black eye.

Bill and me decided to go get coffee today, Since we just need some time together, i guess. Wonder how he'd take it if he found out Mystica- Magical? Yeah magical works, Magical creatures live in the woods. Maybe he'd be like "Woah! Magical shiz, Common Pinetree! We going to the woods" Is it sad i can see that happening?

Meh, I'll just not tell him yet about that. I slip on my pinetree hat and wrap my hoodie around my waist and walk towards the Mall. Each step i take the more sweaty i feel... Fuc- Fricking Sun, yep i'm going to blame the sun this time. Just going to ignore the idea of rejection, Yep just ignore ittt. Maybe i can fake a disease... Nope not chickening out. No matter how much i wish i could... When i reach the entrance i see Bill waiting on the inside looking at his phone, When i go inside he looks up from his phone and gives me a Apollo-Worthy-Smile.

"PineTree! Ya ready for coffee?" He asks me while he puts his phone in his back pocket. I feel like he's going to forget his phone is there and break his screen...

"Yep! But, are you sure you should put your phone there? Theres a chance you could forget it there and sit on it, thus breaking the phone." I reply, when i do it looks like he's thinking about his decision. I can almost hear him saying "Fuck it".

He smiles and wraps a arm around my shoulders "We'll deal with the consequences later!" Yeah, he's going to break his fucking phone. I shake my head while he laughs. He won't be laughing when he breaks his phone. 😒

------------------------------------------ Time Skip -------------------------------------------

He broke his fucking phone.

Bill's POV

I should've listened.

He gave me a look that said 'I told you so'

"Okay, If you look at the Pro's and Cons, i can feel better and laugh at my mistake." I quickly say.

"Cons: Broken phone, Getting a 'I told you so' look from me, And possibly getting mugged later." He shoots back.

"Okay but," I point my finger at him "I got to see you happy, i got to take you on a date, Annnnnnd! I can ask you to be my boyfriend now!" He blushes at the last thing i said. He's such a cute dork, My cute dork. Yeah i like that.

"So PineTree, Will you be my boyfriend?"

He answers with no hesitation "Of course i would" And i got to see another cute smile of his.

"Finally! I thought you two would never get together!" A random voice says, We quickly look in the direction and find none other then, Mabel. PineTree's face became a light pink, and said "Mabel! Did you really spy on us?"

"Of course i did! Why wouldn't i?" She replies with no shame.

"Well-" He stops himself "Nevermind, you're Mabel, What did i expect".

I laugh at that comment and wrap my arms around his waist, "Well G'day Lady Mabelton, Me and Princess PineTree will be leaving now!" Me and Mabel laugh at that while he blushes, Again! My god he's so cute.

"Shut up" He lightly punches me in the side. I do a dramatic gasp, "I've been wounded!" I place a hand over my heart. He rolled his eyes and led us back to our dorm room, Since they've been united under weird circumstances. (Thought United would be a good word for it, eh what do i know?) The sun was already going down, When did we even go to the mall? I know i went there 10 minutes before him, but when? Meh not going to question it. I re-wrap my arms around his waist, Since i removed them when i did a dramatic gasp, no shame. When we reach the room i pick him up and dropped him on my bed, while i flopped onto it by his side. (PineTree is still wrapped in my arms, Clearing that up)

"Good night, my PineTree"

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