02 - thank you

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thank you for
the good times
when i was blissfully 
of what was going on
in your thieving head
your mindless
self thought that i
wouldn't care
when i found out. 

thank you for
all the pain you
handed me
as if it was a present
spun from glass
but i broke
that present and the glass
became shards
that sliced my through

thank you for
all my tears because
now i know i can never
cry as hard
shake as fearfully
scream as loud
as i did
the day that i
found out
or rather
you slipped up your secret.

thank you for
locking away my heart
though without my consent
so the tears threaten
to come spilling
and the screams build up
in my throat
but i hold it in and
because of you
i will never love again.

but this way i will never fall into love
with someone who was
like you
who will do the same things
like you
and i will not make mistakes again.

so thank you. 

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