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That night at the local police station

"Argh..." Justin growled. The man was hung upside down inside the cell, getting lashed by the officer as punishment, who seemed to be completely unfazed by it.

"Where is your boss?" Officer Min yelled while lashing the hung man with his belt.

"Hah! You thought I would reveal so easily, Yoongi hyung?" Teased Justin, which further infuriated the officer.

"So much of arrogance, huh?"

"This ain't arrogance hyung. It's manliness." The corner of his lips was bleeding but he appeared to be rather undaunted and continued to have that smug look on his face.

Irked by his cockiness, with the remaining bit of strength, he scourged the young man until he passed out. He threw his belt angrily on the ground and slumped down on the chair, pulling his hair out of frustration.

"Untie him and bring him down." The irate officer ordered his men. As soon as Justin was untied, he was pushed to the ground.

"I'm exhausted dealing with his insolence. We'll interrogate him the next morning." Having said that, Yoongi, along with his two juniors, abandoned the lock-up, securing the metals gate with a strong padlock.


Next morning

For quite a long time, Seokjin had been loitering outside the police station, waiting for the guards to desert the gate, but to no avail. He even earned some suspicious glances. As he was waiting under a tree, he noticed that the window on the right side was open as well as left unguarded. Furtively, he sneaked inside the premises and heaved himself up on that window.

As Seokjin tried to watch the scene unfurl inside the station but could not as some officers were blocking his view, someone pulled him down by his collar.

"Hey you, I have been watching you hovering around here for an hour. Should I put you behind the bars? Go away from here!" A guard hollered at him.

"Oops! Sorry, sir!" Seokjin fled and cowered behind the same tree, where he had parked his bicycle.

"Aish! Kids these days."


With a screech, Yoongi unlocked the prison door and threw a glass of water on the man who was lying on the floor.

"Get up! Enough of sleep." Justin, who had just stirred from his slumber, was forced to sit on an empty chair before. He hissed in pain. Dried blood from the previous day's assault was still lingering on his body. He squirmed until he found a comfortable position to sit. A nasty lopsided smirk perpetually tucked on his lips. With the back of his hand, he wiped the water dripping from his face.

"Morning hyung."

"The fuck with your morning. Just give me the details about Choi." The officer gnashed his teeth.

"Still hung up on it?" Justin snickered.

"Do you fucking know I lost three of my honest officers because of the man you're trying to protect?" Yoongi snarled.

Yanking his hair, Yoongi hauled his head to look him in his eyes. "I have a deal for you. I will erase the charges against you, bail you out and frame the murder as an accident. In return, you will be my dog and give me the whereabouts of Choi. Is that clear to you?"

Justin evoked a dry, humorless laughter, vexing the officer who was already annoyed with his antics. "You seriously thought that you would get me bailed and out of gratitude, I would blurt out about my boss? You thought I'd betray my employer? Tsk tsk. I wonder who even employed you as a police officer, hyung. I doubt if the citizens of the country are in the safe hands."

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