Part 10

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Clary's POV

"Clary, come on." I hear Jace say, I start to walk a little bit faster I can't deal with this tonight, I just want to relax. "Can you please listen for 5 minutes?"

"No. No I can't listen for 5 minutes. I don't even want to listen to you apologise and say you want to get back with time and time again. I don't want to listen to you begging for my forgiveness. I don't want to talk to you right now, can't you take a hint? I've been ignoring you for days, just leave it be." I say, sick of everything "I'm tired and just want to go to my room and draw." 

"Come on Jace, lets head to Taki's" I hear Alec say, I flinch slightly when I hear that they are going to Taki's. I quickly cover it by shaking my head and walking to my room. I make it to my room and make a mental note to never go to Taki's again. I close my door and walk to my easel and begin painting Idris. The view I had from Amatis' house. I close my eyes to see back to a time before Sebastian Turned her. 

As I'm thinking of Amatis and Luke I hear my door opening. I open my eyes and look at the reflection through the window just above my easel and I see Jace. 

"When are you going to take a hint?" I say sighing. "I just wanted to paint. If you continue talking to me I will lose my image and forget about it." I turn around to face him.

"Please, just give me 5 minutes." I just stare at him. 

"Go on, don't waste this." I say when he doesn't answer. He blinks in surprise. 

Jace's POV

"Clary, come on" I say, I don't know what I am doing. She's made it clear that she doesn't want to talk to me. 'Can you please listen for 5 minutes." I try. Why am I doing this?

  "No. No I can't listen for 5 minutes. I don't even want to listen to you apologise and say you want to get back with time and time again. I don't want to listen to you begging for my forgiveness. I don't want to talk to you right now, can't you take a hint? I've been ignoring you for days, just leave it be. I'm tired and just want to go to my room and draw." She says. I feel my heartbreaking slowly, she doesn't know I broke up with Kaelie for her, I want her.  

"Come on Jace, lets head to Taki's." Alec says trying to get me to leave Clary alone. I maintain eye contact with Clary and I see her flinch at the word Taki's. She quickly covers it by shaking her head but I saw the pain in her eyes when she flinched. Now all I see is disgust. She turns away and walks to her room. 

"Why did you have to interrupt Alec? And why say Taki's of all places?" I ask him.

"Well, maybe if you learnt I wouldn't have to interrupt. And I said Taki's to help Clary." He says simply

"Why the hell would that help Clary?" I explode out. That just angered me. He doesn't know Clary as well as I do how would he know that she needed help? 

"You think you know her better than me. You clearly don't though. We have spoken over the last few weeks and she has confided in me. Whenever you are trying to talk to her, she wants me to take you away. If you knew her, I wouldn't have to do that. You would see that she doesn't want to talk to you and the pain in her eyes when you try, when you mention Kaelie. There was once a time where you knew her better than all of us. Except Simon. That time has passed. You wasted it when you broke her heart. You don't know who she is anymore. She has changed since you went out with her. And I don't know whether it's for the better." I just look at Alec after that speech. Do I know Clary? 

I just spin around and yell out behind me that I'm heading to the training room. I wasn't. I was going to Clary's room. I walk up the stairs thinking about what I'm going to say. She isn't going to stop me, I need to talk to her. 

I open her door to see her with her eyes closed painting the view from her room in Idris. I look back to see her open her eyes through the reflection of her window. Before I could even open my mouth she was talking. 

"When are you going to take a hint?" She asks me sighing. "I just wanted to paint. If you continue talking to me I will lose my image and forget about it." She turns around to around to face me. 

"Just give me 5 minutes." I beg,  I would get on my knees if it meant 5 minutes to talk to her. She doesn't say anything, just stares at me.

"Go on, don't waste this." She says. I just blink, she wants me to talk to her.  

"I'm sorr-" I try to say before she interrupts me

"I get that, you've said that many times. Now try again, keep in mind though you have 4 minutes now." 

"I broke up with Kaelie." I blurt out. She opens her mouth to say something but I shake my head. She closes her mouth. "I know I told you this before but I want to be with you, you're the one that made me happy not her. You're the one that made my life worth it, before you I was just a boy killing demons. Not living, just existing. You made my life even more exciting, made me want to live, each day I woke up I wanted to see you. Without you these past weeks I felt nothing, I want you back in my life. I want to be your boyfriend again." 

"For the last time Jace, you cheated on me not the other way around. I felt that. Before I realised I was a shadowhunter all  I ever tried to was get into an art school. That was my life. When I met you I realised how boring my life was, and was going to be. Like you said you brought happiness to me. When you cheated I started to think 'Was what I felt not happening to you? Did I bring this on myself?' You made me doubt myself and made my life miserable. Having someone cheat on you does that. I got over you. I will eventually forgive you, but this is not that day, might not even be this year. I got over you, not the fact that you cheated. That takes longer. The trust I put into you was broken. I will never forget what you did. I never want to be your girlfriend again. Never. We can try and be friends. But give me time, time is what I need. If you keep pushing to have me in your life, you're going to push me away. For good. Now leave me alone. I want to paint and relax. This is not helping at all." She turns away and grabs her phone and headphones I just stand there watching her for a minute. I turn and leave just as I leave she yells out over her music for me to shut the door I turn and see her painting once more. It was amazing, like her. I close the door and walk down to my room. Once there I shut the door and I shut down. 

What did I do? 


Well, I just wrote 1300 words. Hope you enjoyed the chapter that I took my time posting. Sorry.  THANKS FOR READING

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