Chapter 6

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It was 2:30 am and I couldn't sleep, it was strange because I love sleeping. Sleeping is my hobby.

I came to a conclusion that I wouldn't be sleeping till I had food in my stomach and my mind stopped wondering about. As if on cue my tummy growled agreeing with me. I stood up and as quietly as possible, tiptoed downstairs and into the kitchen.

The little light from the fridge illuminated the kitchen and that was only possible if someone was in the kitchen, and that someone was none other than Jasper freaking Vanderwaal.

I don't know why I wasn't shocked about it so I just called his name, flicking the light on.

"Gosh" he gasped turning to face me, his hands over his chest, "you scared me."

"What are you doing here?" I crossed the room going to stand beside him.

"I'm hungry," he shrugged. "What about you?"

I shrugged my shoulders in reply and tried to move around him to get to the fridge but before I could touch it, he closed it shut.

I looked at him, "what was that for?" I was getting irritated at his presence.

"What was what for?" A crease formed on his forehead,showing his obvious confusion. Or he's just faking it.

I don't have the time for drama, "look I'm hungry and I need food," I crossed my arms.

"Well I'm not suprised since you skipped dinner," he went to the other side of the kitchen island, creating a gap between us.

His hands were empty, holding nothing in them which is odd for someone who just opened the fridge claiming he was hungry. "Why did you close it without taking anything from it?" I motioned to the fridge.

"'Cause it's empty. We need to go grocery shopping," he pointed out, taking a seat on one of the stools.

Giving up on finding food I slumped on one of the stools, "who's the we? I made a deliberate emphasy on we. This boy confuses the hell out of me.

"Me, you, Ky and Paige," he leaned forward, resting his crossed arms on the counter.

"Since when di-"

"I practically live here," he cut me off before I could finish asking my question.

"Don't you have a house of your own?" The question left my moth before I could register it.

"I don't really like staying there because I live there alone so Sarah says I can stay here anytime for as long as I want," he answered.

"Why do you live alone?" Once again it was like I couldn't control myself from asking him the question.

"Are we playing twenty questions?" He snapped.

"Sorry, I'm just... " I lowered my voice, finally getting a grip on my mouth.

Jerk. Why am I so affected by him?

We sat in silence for a few minutes before I stood up and opened the fridge for myself. A box of pizza, a jug of milk and a few bottles of water sat in the fridge. I'm guessing the pizza is from the dinner I skipped.

I was just about to ask him why he said the fridge was empty when there was leftover pizza in it but he spoke up before I could say anything.

"My parents died in a car crash and my senior brother lives in London so I'm left here alone," his voice was lower than usual and for a second I thought I heard a hint of anger in his voice.

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