Chapter 22

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"Next time, remind me to look at a movie properly before picking it," I whispered in Jasper's ears making him to chuckle.

"Sure," he turned to me and captured my lips with his without a warning. I responded to his kiss immediately.

It was a soft and short kiss and when he pulled away he whispered in my ear, "Wanna get out of here?"

I nodded, biting my bottom lip. He quickly pecked my lips before standing up and pulling me with him.

The entire walk to his car he had his hand on my waist. When we got to his car he opened the door for me helping me in.

I put on the radio and Justin Bieber's song Intentions comes on. I started singing along with the song and to my surprise Jasper joins me. When it got to Quavo's part Jasper goes all on it completely surprising me.
I won't lie he actually sings really well. At least I didn't have to cover my ears.

Some other songs came up and I sang along to the ones I know, Jasper joining me.

When the car came to a halt I'm laughing really hard. I didn't really know the lyrics to the last song so I was just singing nonsense and of course Jasper joined me. When the song was over we were both laughing at ourselves. I was laughing so hard to the point of tears.

When our laughter finally died down he opened the roof of his car letting the cool night air hit us. I closed my eyes, relishing the moment.

When I opened my eyes I took in my surroundings. It's close to the lake that Jasper took me to weeks ago that seems like forever ago. The night sky had fully taken over and the moon is the only source of light around us.

Jasper stepped down from the car, going to open his trunk. He brings out a basket and blankets then proceeded to open my door for me. I followed closely behind him and he stopped walking a few meters from the lake.

He laid the blanket on the soft grass, sets the basket on it then sits on the blanket. I took my seat beside him then opened the basket. Cupcakes, cookies and a flask with small paper cups are in the basket.

We talk about various things while devouring the cupcakes and cookies in the basket then washing it all down with a cup of coffee. It wasn't what I was having in mind at all but I'm pleased with it. I really don't care where as long as I get to spend time with Jasper. We've been laughing and talking for a long while now and I don't want it to end.

"Tell me about your previous school," Jasper said laying with his back on the blanket.

Memories begin to wash allover me and a sudden fury seems to take over my features. The only memories I have of my previous school are bad memories and I never want to talk about them.

"My previous school, " I started, laying beside him on the blanket, my hands behind my head like him. "I didn't have much friends and the little I had were all a bunch of backstabbing liars. The only true friend I had was Devin."

"What did your friends do?" He asked, his voice filled with emotions I couldn't decipher.

I sighed, "we were never really close but we hung out once in a while and at least I had female company. Before Senior year the captain of the Basketball team asked me out after a game and naive me went out with him. We dated throughout the summer and the first week after the summer break I caught him cheating on me with the head cheerleader Brittney. Well he had always been cheating on me after the first month and my so called friends knew but they never told me. When I confronted him he told me that I was really naive to actually believe that I'd date him and he'd stay faithful. I was really hurt but what pained me more was that my friends had been lying to me all along. Whenever I felt like he was actually cheating and I told them, they just told me that I was being too sensitive that he would never cheat on me. For once in my life I taught I was finally living a life I had always wanted but I was wrong. I'm always wrong about everything just like I was wrong about my mum. I always taught that I still had a little more time before I was sent out in the streets but of course she proved me wrong."

I took in a deep breath when I was done and sat up. Jasper sat up beside me then took my hand in his making me turn to him. I could tell he was speechless and I don't blame him. If I were him I'd feel the same way.

"I'll always be here for you," he held my face in his hands and I leaned in to his touch, "I promise."

He slowly leaned in and before I knew it I was leaning in too till our lips met. His hands snaked around my waist and my hands found themselves tangled in his hair and next I was leaning towards the blanket. It started with a slow and promising kiss then a passion and lust filled kiss. I could feel the electricity on every part of my body that he touched and the butterflies in the pit of my stomach became an entire zoo.

This kiss was different from every other time. With our lips perfectly molding together it assured me of his feelings for me, he was showing me that he was always here for me, sealing his promise. Words don't need to be spoken between us to know what we've both been yearning to say to each other for so long.

I could feel my guards that I've kept up for a while now drop instantaneously and I felt this sudden satisfaction wash over me. I was physically, psychologically and mentally relaxed and for the first time in forever I felt free.

Jasper disconnected his lip from mine, connecting them with my neck and I couldn't stop the moan from my lips and I heard him groan in satisfaction. I gave him just what he wanted.

We both finally found it in us to pull away. He laid down beside me and I laid my head on his chest feeling the beat of his heart which was beating frantically just like mine.

Me on his chest and his arms around me made me feel safe and all I wanted was to stay like that for the rest of forever. This was pure bliss and I haven't felt this happy in years and I wouldn't trade it for anything in this world.

So the deal about Jemma's past is out. I hope you didn't suffer from too much curiosity 😀

Short chapter I know but I had to stop it here because I didn't want to spoil their moment together 😄

Please stay safe wherever you are!

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