Chapter 20

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Jasper's POV

I'm scared shitless. Watching her crouching figure by the top of the stairs, her body almost toppling over and down the stairs made my whole world freeze over.

"Jemma," I called out but she obviously didn't hear me so I called her one more time and she slowly looked up at me.

"Jemma are you okay?" I asked and mentally slapped myself for asking such a question. She clearly isn't okay.

Her body slightly fell back and in a second I'm lifting her into the security of my arms and on my bed. I rushed to my bag on the floor and searched for the inhaler I have in there.

I helped her use it and she started coughing and wheezing before her body fell limp in my hands.

Shit shit shit!

I lifted her once again and ran down the stairs two at a time, quickly swiping my keys off the coffee table.

I'm laying her at the back seat of my car when Paige came running out and helping me position her into the car and she got in, Jemma's head on her laps.

I got into the car and drove off. I'm driving faster then the speed limit but at this point I don't care.

"What happened?" Paige asked, fear lacing her voice.

"I don't know I just found her almost passing out. She didn't respond to the inhaler," I explained, my eyes still fixed on the road.

When we got to the hospital, I picked Jemma up again and ran into the hospital. A nurse noticed and the next thing she's on a stretcher. I explained what happened and an oxygen mask goes on Jemma's face.

"I'm sorry you can't go past this point," A nurse said to me making me stop in my tracks. I didn't know how annoying that statement was until it was said to me. I nodded and took a seat on the bench closest to me.

I held my head in my hands, my mind going through various scenarios that could happen. I know how bad an asthma attack can be. My brother nearly died from one years ago and I nearly lost my shit.

If anything happens to Jemma, things will never be the same again. I'm just accepting the feelings I have for her which I fought for so long and there's no way in hell I'm loosing her.

I trust Jemma to fight this, she is strong and that's one of the reasons I can't get her out of my head. She has been invading my every thought and a day can't pass without her in my head.

I felt an arm around my shoulders and I looked up to see Paige. Tears welling up in her eyes, she pulled me in for a hug and I let her. A few moments later Kyler joined us and we all sat in silence.

Ten minutes after, a doctor told us that we could go see her and I'm the first by her side. She was still sleeping when I got there so I took the seat beside her bed and took her hands in mine. I placed a soft kiss on her hand as her eyes fluttered open.

Jemma's POV

The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes is white, white walls and white curtains. I felt a little pressure on my left hand so I looked that way and a pair of blue eyes were staring right at me.

It took me a second to recognize the face and when I did a smile founf it's way to my face, "Jasper." I called out and the next thing I'm engulfed in a hug.

"JJ!" I heard voices call behind Jasper and when he pulled away from me, someone is pulling me again.

"Paige!" I said, hugging her back.

"Gosh, you scared me," she pulled away and wiped a tear on her cheek.

"Jemma I'm so glad you're okay," Ky said as he pulled me into another hug.

"Me too," I chuckled slightly. "I'll always have an inhaler with me, I promise," I rose a hand in mock swear and they all laughed.

Our laughter died down and Paige spoke up next, "are you making it to school today?"

"Hell yeah," I turned to the clock on the wall. "I can still make it on time if we leave for home now so I can change." I suggested and all but Jasper nodded.

He didn't like the idea of going to school in my 'condition'

"Jasper I'll be fine, it was just an attack, I'm great now," I tried to assure him.

"An attack that nearly took your life," he was almost shouting.

He was right, if he hadn't shown up at the time he did, I may not be fine now. But I can't just sit at home doing nothing when I'm fine enough to go to school. I don't like school but I don't like loneliness either, "Jasper I'm fine, it won't happen again."

Uncertainty wavered in his eyes. He is making it hard not to like him.

The door swung open and then Doctor McClain walked in, "Miss Jones, glad to see you're doing well." He said walking towards my bed.

I gave a small smile.

"I've told you to always have your inhaler with you all the time, what happened this time around?" He checked the monitors beside me then wrote something on his notepad then he told me to lie back so he could disconnect the wires that I never noticed were there. I did as he said and he disconnected the wires then handed me two inhalers and tells me that I'm free to go.

"Thanks doc," I say with a smile and he returned one. He knows why I'm thanking him.

"Just doing my job," he sent me a wink.

I've been to the hospital once because I didn't have an inhaler with me and back then I begged him not to tell my social worker that I didn't have my inhaler and he never did, he only told her that the inhaler finished and I didn't know. If he tells my social worker about this now, I'd be taken from the custody of the Waters' which I obviously don't want.

"Shall we?" I told my friends standing up from the bed.

Jasper snuck his hands around my waist. I could still see his reluctance to let me go but I don't think he was going to win that case.

After checking out I went in Jasper's car and Paige went in Kyler's car. When Jasper started driving he spoke up, "What was that about?"

"What was what about?"

"The doctor, do you know him?" He gave me a quick glance.

"Well yeah, he's been my doctor since I got into the system," I said then went ahead to explain when I saw the look of confusion on his face.

He visibly relaxes when I was done and he killee the car engine then turned to me, "I was so scared today Jemma." He took my hands in his and I turned to face him, "If you aren't with an inhaler please come straight to me, I'll always be with one because of you." He kissed my hands, still maintaining eye contact.

I nodded. He brought his face closer to mine and gently kissed my lips. It was a soft and gentle kiss and I could feel the emotions behind it. Fear, anger and relief. I kissed him back with the same passion and when we pulled away, his eyes were softened.

"Let's get to school," he got down from the car and I did the same.

When we got into the house Gustavo greeted me and told me how relieved he was to see me and I smiled at that.

I went up to my room, took a quick shower then changed into a pair of blue wash jeans and a black shirt with the word "BITCH" written boldly on it in white then I put on my converse. I let my hair fall and I brushed it straight. I just apply a nude lipstick with mascara and I was good to go.

I unplugged my phone from the charger and I was shocked to see twenty one missed calls and ten messages.

Most calls were from Devin and the others from Quinn and Maddie. The messages are all the same, asking me if I was alright and all that.

I replied to the messages and headed downstairs. I had cereal for breakfast with the guys and when we were done I got into Jasper's car and we headed to school.

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