Chapter 30

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"So daughter of the Italian Don, how does it feel?" The girl from earlier asked me as she took her seat beside me.

I take a good look at her. Dark skinned, black hair that falls over her shoulders in waves and brown eyes. "Sorry am I supposed to know you?"

"My bad, I'm Jade," she stretched her hand forward. "Third in command" she informed.

"Third in command?" I moved back a little completely shocked.

"Shocked huh?" She smirked.

"Shock is an understatement. I thought it'll be either Zayn or Devin," I shook her hand. She has earned my respect that's for sure.

"At least Kyler is second in command," she shrugged. "But why do people always say that?" She threw her hands in the air.

"Well they're really close and I honestly haven't seen anyone that he trusts more than them."

She shrugged, "Jasper is full of surprises. I don't know why he made me third in command but I think it has something to do with the fact that I'm a lady."

"I guess," I turned my head a little to look out the window. There wasn't a storm so flying was safe. It was dark outside as the night sky had taken over.

"You're different," Jade spoke up, her voice taking over the silence.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"The last girl he was with was a total bitch and she just couldn't mind her own damn business. Always wanting to get involved. I really wasn't surprised when she turned her back against us," Jade huffed and I laughed. "Since you came, Jasper has been different."

"What was he like before?" I moved my body a little so I got a better view of her.

"He was always uptight and more than half of the times had a frown on his face. He was hard to talk to and it was only his inner men that found it easier to talk to him. But since you came, he started talking more often and even making jokes and laughing like he had no care in the world. It is refreshing to watch honestly," she explained and I couldn't help the smile that stretched on my face.

"How are you sure it's all because of me?"

"He's always talking about you. Sometimes I taught he was stalking you" she laughed and I joined in.

I like this girl already.

Jasper walked in from the other side. And Jade leaned in, "and I've never seen him smile this much lately." With that she got up and walked away, leaving Jasper and I alone.

"Why do people always do that when you come around?" I voiced out my thoughts.

"Because they know what they're supposed to do," he sat beside me. "What were you and Jade talking about?"

"You. You never told me you had a lady as your third in command," I poked his chest accusingly.

"You never had any reason to know," he laughed, taking my finger in his hand. "Are you jealous or what?" He smirked.

I freed my finger from his grip and swatted his chest, "no."

I wasn't jealous actually. Jade doesn't look like that kind of person to go around with whoever.

"Whatever you say," he pulled me to him "You need to rest, we have a long flight ahead of us," he pulled me to my feet and lead me to the private quarters in the plane.

The bed is big enough for both of us and it looks comfy. I laid on the bed and Jasper joined me. He draped a hand over my waist and another over my shoulders while I rested my head on his chest, enjoying his body warmth.

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