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"Why did you bring him here?" she asked looking down,

"Nen we need help, a lot of help with the etocrites, yes I know we have Xasv but we still need help from anyone that offers it, who knows maybe those creatures multiplied in number maybe thousands," I said sitting next to her

"Did you bring him here to test me?" she asked looking in my eyes

"What are you talking about?" I asked in confusion

"To make sure you get that trauma out of me, to make sure I see him so much that I stop fearing him," she stated like it was obvious but to be honest I did not know what she was talking about, that made sense but it is not why he is here

"Nen he is the leader of the Karan security duty and offered to help with the war," I said touching her and she flinched from my touch, to say I was hurt was an understatement, I could not believe it

"Nen look I am sorry I brought Rik here but we need help," I said moving off the bed

She got up and looked at me for a long time and moved to the door, "Nen come on," she turned and looked at me, "Did you tell Farath?" she asked

"Yes of course I had to," I replied in an obvious tone

"And you could not tell your partner, that is all I needed to know," she said simply and left

. . . . .


Karth (narration)

I was standing with Noth while Farath gathered the people for my address, as a leader I had to talk to my people about what was going on, and with Nen not talking to me, it was even going to be harder as she already told Noth that she is not going to stand by me at the raised stand,

"Everything is set Karth," Farath said nodding at me and I nodded back and went up, the security duty stayed down but still close to me

"Everyone I know that this missile that hit the market but has brought panic but there is no need to worry as we are taking care of it, I am very sorry we lost, you lost your loved ones and we lost citizens, everything is being taken care of and we have the Karan security duty to help too so everything will be fine but we need everyone of you to be alert, if you see anything odd or disturbing or not right, just talk to any of the security duty here, the time we are living now we all need to be alert, we need to help each other in order to ensure safety in our state," I said nodding at the silence among the masses and looked at Nen who was looking at me but when she noticed I was looking she looked away immediately

"This was a surprise attack but everything is being taken care of," I added

"What is really happening Leader?" a man from the crowd yelled out,

"Are we safe Leader?" another asked,

"Everything is going to be alright as long as we work together, we will ensure that our tribe is secure and I say that as your leader, no other person will die," I said and clapping erupted from the masses,

I looked back at Farath and Noth and they nodded a little smiling, as the people started scattering from the grounds, I approached Nen but she tried to move away I grabbed her wrist and pulled her to me, she avoided looking in my eyes the whole time, she could look anywhere else but not in my eyes,

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